Forgive me! I should have posted this information here ages ago. Can I also ask that copy of BAS f gets added to the Editors Depot, please?
BAS f v0-0-31 Beta IntroductionThis is the
fifth beta release of the BAS f mission framework for ArmA, which includes
26 core and optional components (some of which have been developed with premier gaming community,
ShackTactical), and a 53-page illustrated manual which is available in English, German and Russian translations. All text strings used in this version have been translated into Czech, German, Polish, Russian, Spanish and French.
What's New?
New in this release:
- Authorised Crew Type Check (restrict AFVs to crewmen, aircraft to pilots etc.)
- ShackTactical: Fireteam Markers (showing location, orientation and name of fireteam buddies)
- Updated Casualties Cap component (now more accurate and robust)
- Minor corrections to the manual and stringtable.csv filesCore ComponentsThe following mini-guides, core components and pre-configured mission settings are included in this version of the BAS f framework:
- Naming Your Mission
- Load Screen Text
- Respawn Settings
- Configurable Playable Slots
- Conditions Selector
- Gear Snippets (inc. v1.05 weapons)
- Automatic Body Removal
- Multiplayer Ending Controller
- Debug Mode
- BAS Server Logic
- Briefing File Template (Coop Version)
- ReadMe File Template
Some of these components require minor amounts of configuration, however the majority are ready for use without any further editing. This manual will step the mission designer through all components, and indicate any edits necessary for final configuration (including how to disable a specific component).
Optional ComponentsThe following mini-guides and optional components are intended to provide your mission with extra features such as automatic team-killer punishment, or restricted vehicle crews. Each component has been pre-integrated within BAS f, but is disabled by default. Included in this version of the BAS f framework:
- AI Skill Selector (Coop Version)
- AI Skill Selector (Attack & Defend Version)
- Authorised Crew Check
- Authorised Crew Type Check- Kegetys' Spectator Script for ArmA
- BAS f Common Local Variables
- Dynamic View Distance
- Multi-side Briefing File Template
- Hide Enemy Objectives
- Casualty Cap
(updated)ShackTactical Optional ComponentsThe following mini-guides and optional components are intended to provide your mission with extra features which will help it conform to the ideas and standards used by ShackTactical:
- ShackTactical: Baseline Mission File Template
- ShackTactical: Markers
- ShackTactical: Fireteam Markers Download LocationsYou can download BAS f v0-0-31 Beta from the following location(s):
- English Edition: (1.5Mb)
- Russian Edition: (1.9Mb)
Note: German translation will be available soon (promise!).
About BAS fIntroductionA problem with mission-making, and multi-player missions in particular, is that the 'learning-curve' is steep. The mission designer has to learn about many issues, and ensure that several key components (such as briefing files, gear selection snippets, automatic removal of dead bodies etc.) are created, correctly configured and tested in order to build a quality mission with high levels of re-playability and performance.
Often the overall quality of a designer's early missions suffers because s/he is having to 're-invent the wheel', writing and testing his/her own library of personally developed scripts, and finding and learning how to use scripts and code snippets written by other designers.
BAS f is an attempt to help the new mission designer take advantage of a library of pre-tested components that will increase the quality, re-playability and performance of his/her missions, whilst allowing him/her to focus on making his/her own unique ideas come to life.
BAS f is a framework: an MP mission folder containing a library of scripts, functions and template files, plus a manual. The framework is designed to provide the mission designer, after minimal additional configuration, with a selection of pre-tested features and functionality intended to improve the overall quality and re-playability of his/her mission.
Since BAS f is a framework, and not a template, the design of the actual mission is completely open; the framework is intended only to save time for the designer by providing components such as weather selections that work with join-in-progress (JIP), or pre-configured gear selections for re-equipping soldiers during the mission briefing. For many components care has also been taken to localise messages and texts (where used) into several languages (German, Czech, Polish, Russian, Spanish and French).
Importantly, all components of the framework are fully explained in the manual, feature extensive commenting within script files, and each can be disabled if desired. The manual is designed to guide the mission designer through the full configuration process, as well as provide instructions for optional components.
Who is the framework for?BAS f is aimed at the new ArmA mission designer, although it is not intended for complete beginners. To use BAS f the mission designer should have a basic understanding of:
- How to open the MP mission editor
- How to place and edit units, triggers, waypoints and markers in the editor
- The ArmA scripting syntax (for .sqf files)
- The roles of key files: description.ext and init.sqf
- The role of script files (.sqf files)
If a mission designer has already created his/her first few missions, everything in BAS f should be relatively straightforward. In addition, mission designers with intermediate experience may also find BAS f useful as a time-saver, or as the basis for their own personal base framework(s).
BAS, and its partners, plans to continually evolve this framework, and will also explore the creation of specialised versions catering for specific mission types.
What will the framework give me?Even if you use all the core components of BAS f, you will not yet have a mission. What you will have is a platform upon which you can build your own mission. Why is the platform useful? Assuming you have used all the core components, you will already be able to say the following things about your mission:
- It is named in a proper fashion, not just at the file and folder level, but in all the other places (such as in the editor).
- When the mission is loading, players see some meaningful custom text instead of just a blank loading screen.
- The way in which respawning is handled has been considered carefully by you, the mission designer.
- The playable slots are in groups with meaningful names (so that any third-party scripts you choose to use will be able to identify and work with the soldiers).
- The mission can be played in 20 different combinations of time and weather conditions, which means lots of re-playability.
- The weapons, ammunition and equipment use by players can be chosen prior to the mission start, although the actual selection has been considered carefully by you.
- Mission performance is greatly enhanced, as all dead bodies are automatically removed from the battlefield after a short pause.
- The handling of endings, and in particular the way in which de-briefings are presented to clients, is handled more gracefully than the default ArmA end triggers alone.
- A debug mode is available for you to use - not only with BAS f components, but with any third party scripts and functions you write or choose to import.
- The BAS Server Logic is pre-placed, giving you a quick method of checking if a script is running on the server, or on a client machine.
- Your mission features a proper briefing file.Your mission is accompanied by a detailed readme file that will help players and server admins to understand what addons are required (if at all), and where to get them.
- Underpinning all of the above features are some key aspects: The components have been tested and developed specifically for MP.
- Where necessary, text strings, hints and messages have already been translated into Czech, German, Polish, Russian, Spanish, French and English.
As you build your mission, you will also be able to use the optional components (some of which have been developed with premier gaming community, ShackTactical) with the same ease and benefits as the core features listed above. All you have to do now is write your mission.