Sure Landdon...
helo1 flyinheight 0
@(not((w1 in helo1) or (w2 in helo1) or (w3 in helo1) or (w4 in helo1) or (w5 in helo1)))
goto "leave"
helo1 domove getpos gone1
helo1 flyinheight 30
helo1 setspeedmode "FULL"
@helo1 distance gone1 < 200
goto "empty"
When I ran it, the chooper would land, all got out and it just sat there. So I ASSuMEd the "not in" check didnt work. So while testing it I put a "hint" message in right after the "@(not((w1 in helo1) or (w2 in helo1) or (w3 in helo1) or (w4 in helo1) or (w5 in helo1)))" and the hint went off so I knew the check worked. Then I looked at it and HIT myself cause "start1" is an invis. H (object) and "gone1" is an empty marker, thus "helo1 domove getpos gone1" didn't work. As soon as I changed it to "helo1 domove getMARKERpos "gone1" it worked great.
I tried about 6 different checks and like 7 hrs chasing that! Ahhh the joys of scripting.