@h: thx for the move, m8.
If only one unit is hit, one First Aid action will appear in that unit's action list. But this new First Aid action will also appear in all other units action list.
If you order the injured unit to execute the First Aid action, he heals himself, and the Action disappears from everyone's list.
Alternatively, if you order the First Aid action on a unit other than the injured unit, the ordered unit will run to the injured unit, then the injured unit heals himself, and the Action disappears from all units' action list. But I don't want the non-injured unit to have this Action available. I want only the injured unit to have the Action
Its more complicated (i.e., more confusing for player) if 2 or more units are hit. A First Aid action then appears for each unit that is hit, in all units' action lists. So if there are six units (named unit1, unit2, ... unit6), and unit1 and unit2 are both injured, ALL units will see TWO First Aid actions (one for unit1, and one for unit2).
If I order a non-injured unit (Unit3) to perform one of these two First Aid actions, he runs to the injured unit and stands there, and the injured unit heals himself. Note that Unit3 running to the injured unit is NOT part of the First Aid script, it is engine code that when a player orders a unit to perform an action, the unit first moves to the object that Action is assigned to. Similar to "Get In" order: unit first runs to the vehicle.
Sorry for so many words...hope I explained this coherently.