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Author Topic: voice volume in vehicles during cutscenes--voice volume is too low  (Read 1095 times)

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Offline johnnyboy

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I have a cutscene that takes place in a moving truck.  I'm having a hell of a time getting the voice volumes to be loud enough.  Camera is set a couple inches to outside of passengers face, with both passenger and driver faces in the shot. 

Voice volume is really weak, and competes with engine sound.  So I have used the following to reduce game volume:

Code: [Select]
0 fadesound .005
This makes the volume of the truck engine sound lower, but I still have trouble hearing the dialog.  The sound files are recorded fairly loud originally.  I have tried both "say" and "playsound".

Anyone else struggling with volumes in a similar situation, and found a solution?

Please advise.  Thx in advance.
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Offline LeeHunt

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There's two solutions I've found:

1)  Here is a sample from my Description.ext for the sound shilkadead. The key is the "db + 200" part halfway down.  That increases the overall volume level. However I have found that doesn't always, work, so see solution 2

      class shilkadead
      // Name to display in mission editor
      name = "shilkadead";
      // Sound path, volume, pitch
      sound[] = {\sound\shilkadead.ogg, db + 200, 1.0};
      // Sound title text (set to no text)
      titles[] = {0, "Well that's done!  Now for the Shilka!"};

2) Download Goldwave sound editing software, (www.goldwave.com) and then click on Effect on the drop down menus.  There you can change volume, I've had to up my .wav files to +12 or so to get enough volume for in game.  Then save the new .wav file (you should see the graph widen out to reflect the increased sound volume).  After that you can turn it into an .ogg file for the game.

Offline johnnyboy

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Lee, Thanks much for the suggestions.

I do use Goldwave already for all my voice recording.  For some reason cutscene voices need to be MUCH louder than ingame voice files...at least that is my experience.  I will try both approaches, and see what happens. 
El Cojon: "Do you like to Tango?"
You: "Only in Bagango."
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