ok, i have this description.ext with the general stuf in bu there is one part which cause problems... if i place the music part of the descip (one song only) at the start and then all the rest (weapons and indentity) after it crashes the mission when i play and tells me
Config: some input after EndOfFile
which i guess ,eans there was a end of file line after the sound bit - but i couldnt find it.... so i place the music bit at the end of the descrip and it doesnt crash but now the music wont work - it says it cannot find the music
onLoadMission = "Engineer Camp";
onLoadIntro = "Evac Site";
class Weapons
class Steyr
{count = 2;};
class G36a
{count = 2;};
class Magazines
class G36amag
{count = 8;};
class Steyrmag
{count = 8;};
class CfgIdentities
class Tom
name = Tom McCaughey
face = face9;
glasses = none;
speaker = adam;
pitch = 1.05;
class CfgMusic
class taps
name = "taps";
sound[] = {\music\taps.ogg, db+10, 1.0};
thats what it looks like atm.
please help :help:
cheers, :thumbsup: