Parts of my car with the same texture are blurry.
The ProblemInterceptorsNew InsideI have parts of the car textured by 1024 X 512 tex, made in photoshop, saved in .jpeg and useing texview saved to .pac, however the sides of the car are always blurrier than the rest. I have swapped out the pac file numerous times with an updated pac, and changed tex names in oxygen. I tried recalculateing normals, optomizing (which made things worst), but it didn't help. Is it the flashpoint file used by Bulldozer? Is it my game settings? Is it the model itself? Did i changed the texture too much? Can anybody help me with this. It keeps screwing up the final product, and i can't release a screwed up addon. The cars are close to being release, probably around early august, but i can't if this problem isn't fixed.
If u tell me to use a different pac tool besides texview, please include an up-to-date link that works.