For Mando Chaser you could just use a moving Game Logic for instance. Say, have all of the points you want the tractor to plow marked by invisible markers. Then you just run Mando Chaser once on the tractor, maybe edit the script a bit to suit your needs, and then create another script which moves the game logic around on the markers. Say, something like:
_logic = _this select 0;
_tractor = _this select 1;
_positionArrays = _this select 2; // Array of, say, markers that will loop around one after the other.
_i = 0;
_j = count _positionArrays;
while {alive (driver _tractor)} do
_logic setPos (getMarkerPos (_positionArrays select _i));
waitUntil {_tractor Distance _logic < 5};
if {_i < _j} then {_i = _i + 1} else {_i = 0};
sleep 0.5;
Untested, but should (?) work. Might want to tinker with the distance for one thing, and you might have to edit Mando Chaser (doesn't it stop chasing when the chasing object is dead, for instance?) to fit your needs, but otherwise it should work, I think. Getting a bit off-topic here though!
Wolfrug out.