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Author Topic: gunships  (Read 1396 times)

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« on: 24 Oct 2002, 02:53:24 »
Is it not possible to have more than 1 gunner per vehical E.G the Huey gunship,

Theres a Huey gunship addon out with guns each side but only 1 gun works :( How cool would it be if we could have propper gunships ? Well ill tell u how cool it would be now "VERY COOL" :-D



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« Reply #1 on: 24 Oct 2002, 11:15:51 »
No, it has been said 1000's of times before, and i'll say it again -

"The ofp game engine does not support more than one gunner per vehicle, it never has, and never will do - so please dont ask again..."

The only way we may get more than one gunner per vehicle is in ofp2, but i dont know anything about it - so dont ask about that either.

btw, please dont take this the wrong way, but there are plenty of other posts in other threads about this subject....


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« Reply #2 on: 24 Oct 2002, 20:37:03 »
well, if you only had one gun fireing at once, like if each gun was a seprate weapon system, like one could be Mgun Left and Mgun Right, so you could take aim quicker, that might work, it would also be nice to see Blackhawks with a Pilot, Co Pilot, Gunner, and Crew Cheif, in one of the MH60mg ones, but I should talk to BAS about that.  ;)


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« Reply #3 on: 24 Oct 2002, 21:47:38 »
im sorry bit it is JUST NOT POSSIBLE

no matter how you try it is not possible to have more than 1 gunner per vehicle - not even if you did it that way punker...

people (namely stt and evis) have tried helis with commanders and the heli just goes mental, it doesnt know where to go or what to do...

regarding gunners, the ofp game engine will NOT ALLOW more than 1 moveable/aimable gun, it is in the hard coding and cannot be changed...




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« Reply #4 on: 25 Oct 2002, 05:33:04 »
Damn Man!  :-\

Ferret Fangs

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« Reply #5 on: 25 Oct 2002, 05:58:54 »
But... But, what if- uh...
Oh, scrogg it all! Never mind. ;)