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Author Topic: Oxygen question  (Read 2176 times)

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Offline Eklund

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Oxygen question
« on: 23 Oct 2002, 23:38:36 »
I have one question, Is there someone who have Win98 and have oxygen , thats works with no problem? I have Win98 and its something wrong with my o2 , I cant texture a object , I cant even get the texture visible in o2, please help me!

Eklund   :D
Operation White Night:The Battle of Sweden

Offline Eklund

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Re:Oxygen question
« Reply #1 on: 24 Oct 2002, 16:37:07 »
12 views , and nobody can answer! Please just tell me if some of you have Win98
Operation White Night:The Battle of Sweden

Offline PakoAry

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Re:Oxygen question
« Reply #2 on: 24 Oct 2002, 20:28:02 »


Easy pal, you've launched your question less than 24hours ago and the subject didn't help much. Next time, try giving a hint to the guys out there. (ie: O2 w/ Windows98 : does anyone use it?). Anyway, that said...

I use O2 over W98 and I have no problems.

What next?

té mais

PS: have you checked the O2 FAQ? Isn't there a solution for your problem?
« Last Edit: 24 Oct 2002, 20:30:24 by PakoAry »

Offline Eklund

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Re:Oxygen question
« Reply #3 on: 24 Oct 2002, 23:05:27 »
Thank you answering!

Yes I have checked the O2 FAQ and I have found a lot of other guys wohs have the same problem as I have.
And the tutorials , I have read them all but nothing with the textur part is working  :'(

Thanks again!
Operation White Night:The Battle of Sweden

Offline PakoAry

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Re:Oxygen question
« Reply #4 on: 25 Oct 2002, 00:27:44 »
well, tell me what exactly is happening. Let's see if I know how to fix it. Don't forget to detail where you have your o2 and buldozer files installed and your O2 options.

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Offline Eklund

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Re:Oxygen question
« Reply #5 on: 27 Oct 2002, 22:23:17 »
Well , oxygen is in C:\o2_light\ and bulldozer is in D:\Bulldozer o2\

Okey , here's the problem, When I have created an object in o2 , then I mark the vertics on the side I wont the texture on.
The I click on the icon with a cactus (Texture icon) and a I draw up a rectangular shape around the object. Then I right click in the black box (texture box) and choose "load texture".
A pop-up menu shows up and I select "paa pac" and browse a paa pac file from my computer. I click "OK" , no image is loading  ??? And when I try to use an GIF or TGA , and click "OK" a popup menu sais : Unable to convert texture Pal2Pac error.
And no image is in the viewport :'(

And in options menu it looks like this:

External viewer         D:\Bulldozer o2\bulldozer.exe -noland -dx
DLL Folder                C:\o2_light\
Texture name prefix    data\
Allow non-linear mapping   OFF
View background LOD        ON
View bgrnd LOD in 3D Preview  ON
Start in four views                ON
View normals                        ON
Dont try load textures with errors.  ON

Fast textures   OFF
Autoconvert GIF & TGA textures       ON

Well, Thats it! , All the details I know about. Hope you can help me , Cheers Eklund

Ps Excuse my english  :DDs
Operation White Night:The Battle of Sweden

Offline PakoAry

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Re:Oxygen question
« Reply #6 on: 29 Oct 2002, 06:09:07 »

It seems that your O2 can't find the Pal2Pac.dll it needs.

I see you said you have options:DLL folder set to o2_light, double check that you don't have any typos there. The symptoms would be exactly what you've described.

One good thing is to rename your O2 directory as c:\o2light so you don't have to worry about that "_" and typos would be more visible.

also, make sure you have the correct Pal2Pac.dll (252kb,22/11/00 11:02)

it should work...

té mais
« Last Edit: 29 Oct 2002, 11:15:38 by PakoAry »


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Re:Oxygen question
« Reply #7 on: 29 Oct 2002, 06:50:45 »
Have you unpbo'ed you Data.pbo file from orginal flashpoint and overwrite the data folder in buldozer map?
If not go to your orginal flashpoint folder copy data.pbo unpbo it overwrite your data folder with that one

Offline PakoAry

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Re:Oxygen question
« Reply #8 on: 29 Oct 2002, 07:07:36 »
Have you unpbo'ed you Data.pbo file from orginal flashpoint and overwrite the data folder in buldozer map?

I haven't done that and my O2 works fine.

But your tip is very usefull if we wanna use or even modify the textures from the original game...

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Offline Eklund

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Re:Oxygen question
« Reply #9 on: 29 Oct 2002, 20:06:55 »
Hi guys!
Thanks for your help, but I didit on my own  :D
I reinstalled o2 and buldozer , and it works now  :D
You cant imagine how happy I am  :D
Well enough with all these smilies!

Thanks again!

And about that BoNeCoLLeCToR wrote , "Have you unpbo'ed you Data.pbo file from orginal flashpoint and overwrite the data folder in buldozer map?
If not go to your orginal flashpoint folder copy data.pbo unpbo it overwrite your data folder with that one " ,

why do that??? Do you get more paa pac files ? or is it just a way to get o2 work?

Now to my next question...

When I texture in o2 I select the vertics (or faces) that are going be textured. In example one side of a gun, then I hit B and then E a menu popup and I klick OK, Great the texture is done. At least on one side of the gun. So I select the other side of the gun and do the same thing , I use the same pac paa file for both sides. Is that wrong? Do I need 2 texturefiles? Because when I have textured the second side , the first disapear. WHY???
Please help me!

And excuse my English  :)

Operation White Night:The Battle of Sweden

Offline PakoAry

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Re:Oxygen question
« Reply #10 on: 29 Oct 2002, 21:13:22 »
about that BoNeCoLLeCToR wrote (...)
why do that??? Do you get more paa pac files?
Doing that you will get the textures from the original game... you may find something usefull there.
When I texture in o2(...) So I select the other side of the gun and do the same thing, I use the same pac paa file for both sides. Is that wrong? Do I need 2 texturefiles?
it's ok to use the same texture for both sides, but if you want a more realistic model, you may have to use one different texture for each side... however your model will consume more memmory: become heavier. I use different textures only when it's mandatory.

Don't you forget to try the tutorials by brsseb.   http://ofp.info/brsseb/
Because when I have textured the second side , the first disapear. WHY???
You probably didn't search the forums. Allways search before posting questions, check also the FAQ. If you had done that, you'd find a lot of threads pointing that you have selected only one face. That's what buldozer is showing.

Deselect all or select all and you will see them.

and when your question is answered close/solve the post. Now it's a good time to do that... :-)

have fun
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Offline Eklund

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Re:Oxygen question
« Reply #11 on: 31 Oct 2002, 00:03:18 »
Yes , that the time to do that , Thanks for the help PakoAry :D

Cheers Eklund
Operation White Night:The Battle of Sweden