Man, and years later, I still have the same problem. Same as You. I remember downloading the thing a few years ago for OFP and never made it to work. Now I downloaded the thing again for ArmA, and the thing still doesn't work for me. Has anyone one of you found the problem?
I tried puting it in the root directory, alone in a folder, I made sure there was no space in the file name, I tried with .wav files, .wav64 files, .wav Broadcast files, I tried mono, stereo, always 16-bit and 44.100KHz and nothing ever happened. Nothing in the Sound folder, nothing in the WaveToLip folder, searched the PC in case it was saved somewhere else. NOthing, nothing and nothing. Please help. I have windows XP service pack 2 with all updates, I use Nuendo for the recording and saving of the files. Thank You.