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Author Topic: Home Land Security Script Review  (Read 1139 times)

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Offline Tom_Anger

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Home Land Security Script Review
« on: 30 Mar 2007, 12:16:11 »
Can I have a seasoned coder please review to see how well I did here.  I haven't tested it yet, but it at least gives an idea on what I am trying to accomplish for a series of Attack & Defend maps that I would like to created for some decent events.

Let me know if this looks good or has a more efficient way of writing it please let me know.  Basically a defending team accumulates points on vehicles, players, and other objects.  Only players respawn and as points go up the Security Alerts drop.

Vehicle, Object, Person has the script call with it's point value appended
(i.e. not alive unit [50] execVM homelandsec.sqf )

Here are my questions on what I have.

Question 1:
Is this written in such a way that it will work?  I have a variable-flag set each time a level is met so that they don't show up when each item is killed.  Does that look ok?

Question 2: (HOW TO END)
How can I make it so that when I get to the very last part where the threat is over, the mission ends with a BLUFOR victry?

How can I make it so that only the BLUFOR team sees the messages?  It would be nice to only have them know the level they are at.

Code: [Select]
// VARIABLES passed in are:
// _points - is a variable which the mission maker appends to an object.  What he/she believe the unit is worth
// PARAMETERS _codered, blue, etc  are used for the security threshhold values.  As points are accumulated
// the threat is over and the mission will end.

_points = _this select 0;

_codered = 0;
_codeorange = 1000;
_codeyellow = 2000;
_codeblue = 3000;
_codegreen = 4000;
_threatisover = 5000;

_total = _total + _points;

// Now check against our security matrix to see what level of threat we are at.  Each time we call
// this script we only want to display as the serverity changes so we set a flag/variable called
// _code(color)activated then check each time before displaying the message.

if ((_total < _codeorange) && (_coderedactivated != 1)) then
      _coderedactivated = 1;
      cutText["CODE RED.  We are at a SEVERE Risk of Attack.", "PLAIN"];

if ((_total >= _codeorange) && (_total < _codeyellow) && (_codeorangeactivated != 1)) then
      _codeorangeactivated = 1;
      cutText["CODE ORANGE.  We have dropped to a HIGH Risk of Attack.", "PLAIN"];
if ((_total >= _codeyellow) && (_total < _codeblue) && (_codeyellowactivated != 1)) then
      _codeyellowactivated = 1;
      cutText["CODE YELLOW.  We have dropped to an ELEVATED Risk of Attack.", "PLAIN"];
if ((_total >= _codeblue) && (_total < _codegreen) && (_codeblueactivated != 1)) then
      _codeblueactivated = 1;
      cutText["CODE BLUE.  We have dropped to a GUARDED Risk of Attack.", "PLAIN"];
if ((_total >= _codegreen) && (_total < _threatisover) && (_codegreenactivated != 1)) then
      _codegreenactivated = 1;
      cutText["CODE GREEN.  We have dropped to a LOW Risk of Attack.", "PLAIN"];
if (_total >= _threatisover) then
      cutText["The Security Threats are over.  We are free of enemy attacks.", "PLAIN"];