So I'm almost finished with a ctf im making, and want to customize the flag_taken _msg except the mission doesn't have a stringtable?!
The flag_taken trigger states this:
ownerR = flagowner vlajkaRus; titletext[format [localize "STR_MP_FLAG_TAKEN_E", name ownerR], "Plain down"]; PrycR=true;
Where do I edit "STR_MP_FLAG_TAKEN_E" to say the message i want?
I tried...
ownerR = flagowner vlajkaRus; titletext[format [localize "%1 has taken the Biker's Flag!\nGet him!", name ownerR], "Plain down"]; PrycR=true;
...but alas when the flag is taken - there is no text at all.
Wtf happened to the stringtable?!