I've just setup a camera script and it works, but the camera movement is very shaky when moving. It makes the camera script look really bad, so is there any way to stop it?
_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]
_cam camsettarget player
_cam camsetrelpos [15,20,25]
_cam camcommit 0
_cam camsettarget object1
_cam camsetrelpos [23,40,40]
_cam camcommit 4
I've been playing around with it and it's always shaky. I've tried slowing the camcommit part down, but it just shakes slowly. The only way It looks good is to do camcommit 0 and go directly to the object.
My FPS is 30-40 during the cutscene.
Does the script do the same for you? Is this an ArmA bug?
Thanks for your help.