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Author Topic: Mando Missile ArmA (ACCEPTED)  (Read 127855 times)

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Offline Mandoble

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #75 on: 30 Aug 2007, 23:25:37 »
The activating system message means the script is running, but if you dont provide the weapon name to aim, it will not be able to aim and or target at all, in the case of Vulcan that name must be "M168", for the Shilka it should be "AZP85". And in both cases using 1 as position (gunner).

Offline ViperMaul

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #76 on: 31 Aug 2007, 00:00:35 »
I am sure "M168" is what I was missing. Let me add that and I will edit this post with the results.
This new MMA v22 is awesome!
Imagine that! It works!! :)
« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2007, 00:24:16 by ViperMaul »
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Offline snakedoc

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #77 on: 03 Sep 2007, 17:51:07 »
Hey I'm trying to add just flares to a blackhawk using the example line in the assign by name script.

Code: [Select]
["bh1", 0, "", 0, 0, 10, 10, "mando_missiles\units\mando_missilevehicle.sqf", false, false, false, false, [0,0,0]]execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by_name.sqf";

It looks like several of the parameters are missing though. Should I add the keyboard control script from the av8? I'm assuming it also needs the hud location so the missile indicators work right.

Offline Mandoble

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #78 on: 03 Sep 2007, 18:00:55 »
Right, you need the keyboard handler script. In fact, the keyboard handler script is where any customization for a particular vehicle type is done. And yes, you are missing several parameters there. If you are using 2.2beta3 the missile counters are arrays, and the names parameter is also an array of names:
Code: [Select]
[["bh1"], 0, "", [0,0], [0,0], 10, 10, "mando_missiles\units\mando_missilevehicle2.sqf", false, false, false, false, [4,0,-2], "mando_missiles\units\keysets\mando_air1_keys2.sqf", 5, 5, 2, 0]execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by_name.sqf"

If you want a direct implementation of flares in choppers, check mando_remote mission, there you will find two Cobras with missiles and flares, just use the same script line setting the missile counters to 0.

In the example above, 10,10 means [maximum flares capacity, initial number of flares] and then the targeting hud is set to 5 horizonta degrees and 5 vertical degrees. Note that this is for targeting, not for incoming missiles, incoming missiles are marked always no matter its angle relative to the chopper heading.
« Last Edit: 03 Sep 2007, 18:05:08 by Mandoble »

Offline snakedoc

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #79 on: 03 Sep 2007, 19:46:12 »
Got it, thanks again. I don't have those specific files though and I am using the newest version. I don't have missilevehicle2 or air1_keys2. Using the ones that are in my folder worked

Offline Mandoble

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #80 on: 03 Sep 2007, 19:48:43 »
Sorry, you are right, these files are part of the new incoming version  ;)

Offline ViperMaul

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #81 on: 03 Sep 2007, 22:57:26 »
Our tournament file is getting big 1.5 MegaBytes.
And our MOD team has decided to move all the big files to a MOD file for the tournament.
This includes mando sounds. Which I have done, however the .h files and the sound files are not being found and are not working.
So I must not be doing it correctly.

Can anyone help guide me into how to properly reference .h file for the description.ext and the sound files in a client and server side MOD file??

We even tried to remove all references from the description.exe using a config.cpp
Code: [Select]
#include "\mando_missiles\mando_missile.h"

class RscTitles

// Needed for Mando Missile ArmA
#include "\mando_missiles\mando_missiletitles.h"
// End of Needed for Mando Missile ArmA



class CfgSounds
sounds[] = {};

// Mando Sounds

// Needed for Mando Missile ArmA
#include "\mando_missiles\mando_sounds.h"


But when I jump in the helo I get "class mandosystems missing error" or similar. 
class mandosystems comes from #include "\mando_missiles\mando_missiletitles.h"

Any ideas? or alternate method?
« Last Edit: 03 Sep 2007, 23:14:14 by ViperMaul »
Theatre of War (Co-Lead Dev)
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Offline Mandoble

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #82 on: 03 Sep 2007, 23:12:15 »
Sorry, no idea about MOD file structures. May be you should move your question to an addon specific thread.

Offline ViperMaul

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #83 on: 04 Sep 2007, 01:59:31 »
Well I fixed the class error message.
Everything works except the Sounds.
I get no error message. :(
Theatre of War (Co-Lead Dev)
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Offline Mandoble

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #84 on: 04 Sep 2007, 02:18:54 »
Vipermaul, as said before, your problems are not related to Mando Missile Arma script suite but to how to create a MOD. If you need help trying to create a MOD, best way is to look for answers in the ArmA - Addons & Mods General forum. Any addon or mod editing question is off topic in this thread.

Offline snakedoc

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #85 on: 09 Sep 2007, 15:17:13 »
Right, you need the keyboard handler script. In fact, the keyboard handler script is where any customization for a particular vehicle type is done. And yes, you are missing several parameters there. If you are using 2.2beta3 the missile counters are arrays, and the names parameter is also an array of names:
Code: [Select]
[["bh1"], 0, "", [0,0], [0,0], 10, 10, "mando_missiles\units\mando_missilevehicle2.sqf", false, false, false, false, [4,0,-2], "mando_missiles\units\keysets\mando_air1_keys2.sqf", 5, 5, 2, 0]execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by_name.sqf"

If you want a direct implementation of flares in choppers, check mando_remote mission, there you will find two Cobras with missiles and flares, just use the same script line setting the missile counters to 0.

In the example above, 10,10 means [maximum flares capacity, initial number of flares] and then the targeting hud is set to 5 horizonta degrees and 5 vertical degrees. Note that this is for targeting, not for incoming missiles, incoming missiles are marked always no matter its angle relative to the chopper heading.

I've got a question about the targeting hud settings. Are those degree values starting at the 3rd parameter, height? So in that example the targeting hud would be 2m off the ground in the center of the aircraft then the hud is 2.5 degrees all the way around that point? I'm messing with the cobra and the targets are always a little below the nose so it makes it weird to aim the mando missiles. Do you have a list of settings you use for this or just play around with it until it seems about right?

Offline Mandoble

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #86 on: 09 Sep 2007, 15:56:45 »
These values are to adjust the target mark representation (the glowing circles marking the target), these are not used for target acquisition. To target just use the center of your screen, which in most cases is the same as the gun sight when the gun aims straight ahead. For your Cobra, switch to manual fire so you have a white dot small dot in the middle of the screen, use that dot to aim your missiles.

The whole targeting and target mark representation has changed in the upcoming version with full working hud with targeting mark and locked target symbology (you may find some early captures few post back).

Offline ViperMaul

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #87 on: 10 Sep 2007, 09:04:15 »
Hi Mando,

Well for the last two weeks our ArmA: Theatre of War tournament has been testing MMA 2.2b3 and they love it.
Here is some of the feedback that we are faced to provide solutions for. And since this is a beta I thought I would share them with you to see how we could get a solution.

First off all people fell in love with the SAM MCC we enabled on our BRDM2_ATGM and Stryker_TOW vehicles. Well the Patriot MCC is used on the Stryker_TOW
Code: [Select]
// Stryker_TOW units will be Patriots for players as gunners
_mcctypeaascript = "mando_missiles\mcc\mcc_types\mando_missilecontrolon_patriot.sqs";
[["Stryker_TOW"], 12, 12, ["Air"], "Patriot Console", _mcctypeaascript, [0,1,0.5], [0,1,0.25], 1, -1, 0, [], 3]execVM"mando_missiles\mcc\mando_mccallow_by_type.sqf";

_mcctypeaascript = "mando_missiles\mcc\mcc_types\mando_missilecontrolon_sam1.sqs";
[["BRDM2_ATGM"], 12, 12, ["Air"], "SAM Console", _mcctypeaascript, [0,2,1], [0,1,1], 1, -1, 0, [0,0,1,1], 2]execVM"mando_missiles\mcc\mando_mccallow_by_type.sqf";

Also keep in mind that currently in our system helicopters only get flares. No Mando missiles at the moment.

Here is the feedback... As all pilots got killed time and time again even though they had plenty of flares. The flares worked great when deployed at the right times don't get me wrong. But here is the feedback they sent me...

Quote from: 'SAM MCC Gunner'
1. Choppers get lock on warning but do not know where from if the engine is off on the vehicle making it hard to find the source of the missile. Maybe either making it so engine remains on when in AA position or giving a lock on direction as well as warning when radar goes from passive to active would help the pilots.

2. The choppers only get one missile warning even if i launch 3-4 missles at them in rapid succession. Maybe a warning of how many shots are incoming would be helpful.

and then a reply from a Pilot that basically got owned all day LOL. But he is a good pilot.

Quote from: Good Cobra Pilot
SAM MCC Gunner's got it right, I thought I'd explain more and typed a book pretty much but after I determined this much:

It would have to be tested but I think we'll be ok (theoretically) if we do this:

Making sure the SAM's engine is ON when using the console would substitute for trying to get Mando to make a RWR system. Why?

- It gives the pilots the ability to lock on to the target, ID it as the SAM threat, and watch the direction for the missiles firing and therefore how many would be inbound, thus how many flares to use.

This eliminates the issue of 1)knowing where the SAM was and avoiding the fight entirely by flying away 2) knowing where it was to see the missile launch and therefore count the incoming number of missiles (READ: how many flares?)
----This would still be difficult for the pilots to keep track of the number of incoming missiles, but tactics could be adapted for this (e.g. SEAD missions with 2 birds flying...)

Adding more flares would help balance wise, as well as giving the missiles a bit of acceleration time (500 m/s out of the tube and in flight is a bit steep with only 1200 meters visibility to work with) [EDIT: He is mistaken. 500 m/s is the max speed and it comes out of tube at 10 m/s as I recall -ViperMaul]

Keep in mind visibility is 1200, the SAM can fire at 1500 and reach farther but the helos need visual ID to attack the target...

If we could develop a RWR system to give seperate missile warnings , I'm not in favor of decreasing missile capacity as it would then be a mere push of a button to avoid them.

So in short,
If you have a BIS standard Shilka or Vulcan, and you turn off your engine, the Red Radar Blip on a standard attack chopper turns to white, unless you hide that vehicle by some good tree cover and then I am told by pilots that the white blip even disappears.  However, I feel BIS knows this because when you get into the Gunner seat and move your turret the vehicle engine turns on thus providing a directional signature for the pilot to have a chance to counter.

This issue now is the MCC does not cause the engine to turn on. Its a beautiful dialog box. They are requesting that when you turn on your MCC that either there is a Mando source signature added to help the helos triangulate on the location.  -Or- Turn the engine on ONLY when you LOCK at target with the MCC so that it gives the pilots that same chance to source the general direction.  Perhaps not a red blip, a white blip might be better. A red blip can more easily be targeted by the Cobra's ATGMs.

So I thought I would share this feedback with you because you said in times past you are not getting as much quality feedback as you would like. We LOVE MMA v2.2b3 and look forward to your next release and any improvements.

For now can you comment on this feedback?
« Last Edit: 10 Sep 2007, 09:08:40 by ViperMaul »
Theatre of War (Co-Lead Dev)
ACE (Jr Project Manager)

Offline Mandoble

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #88 on: 10 Sep 2007, 12:11:17 »
First some comments about what is coming.

There is a new HUD for non MCC missile armed units which includes new symbology drawn directly over the HUD: locked target circle (which follows the target by the HUD's area), target info (type, if close enough, speed and distance), a map below the HUD with a vector to the target and vectors to threats (as incoming missiles). These vectors are lines starting at the center of the moving map (where your vehicle is) and ending at the position of the target and the threats. This would be acting also as an advanced RWR system as you will be able to track the vectors of incoming missiles directly over the HUD's small map.

And now some comments about your comments relative to current 2.2b3 version:
1 - If you are using patriots there, consider that they have a max speed of 700m/s, an endurance of 15 seconds and a quite fast acceleration, giving them a range well over 7 Km (not 1.5Km).
2 - You dont need one flare/chaff pack per incoming missile, a single one will (or may) affect any incoming missile.
3 - Currently, each time the last missile fired against a target with chaff/flares is marked with red glowing circles in the sky. If you get the warning, switch to EXTERNAL view to locate these marks (if it is a frontal shot, you will see the marks directly from the cockpit).
4 - You may add SEAD capability to the gunners of your choppers, add an MCC for "RADAR" type targets and set the missile counter to 0, so they can detect any emitter but they cannot shot at them.
5 - Consider that MCCs are not only for SAMs or ground units, they are also available for any chopper or plane, and several MCC types may be added to the same vehicle and same position (for example, the gunner of your cobras).
6 - If the kill ratio of the missiles against the choppers is too high (like in the real world would be), try decreasing the seeking arcs while keeping current flight parameters. Decreasing the horizontal seeker arc would be enough to make them much more weak against chaff/flares.

Offline ViperMaul

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Re: Mando Missile ArmA
« Reply #89 on: 10 Sep 2007, 17:31:27 »
Thanks! And I am excited about what is to come! I think it will help.
Oh by the way, we do not use external view because it also allows ground troops to also use external view. If there was some way we could script or MOD to give an external view in all vehicles but prevent ground troops from using external view especially to peak around corners and through walls then we can use suggestion number 3.

Our mini-campaign starts this week with the first battle in 2 weeks.
So again I look forward to the next release to update our mission file.
« Last Edit: 10 Sep 2007, 17:34:20 by ViperMaul »
Theatre of War (Co-Lead Dev)
ACE (Jr Project Manager)