I'm having some issues where join-in-progress members don't see the exact same completions of objections when they join.. for example, in my third objective, you must "destroy" a lighthouse.... when a JIP member shows up, the lighthouse is standing although everyone else sees just the the llighthouse podium where it used to sit...
Is there a foolproof way of resolving this to synchronize objectives?
Here's my standard setup:
I use THIS in my ON ACT: line in triggers:
[server, "objective1"] exec "obj.sqs";
And THIS format in my obj.sys file:
_scriptcall = _this select 1
; ============================================================================
?(_scriptcall == "objective1"):goto "objective1"
?(_scriptcall == "objective2"):goto "objective2"
?(_scriptcall == "objective3"):goto "objective3"
; These are my main achievement objectives - required to finish the map
"1" objstatus "DONE"
hint "Major Woody Rescued"
obj1=true; publicVariable "obj1"
; ============================================================================
"2" objStatus "DONE"
"Major_Woody" setmarkercolor "colorgreen"
hint "Major Woody successfully placed in MCU"
obj2=true; publicVariable "obj2";
; ============================================================================
"3" objStatus "DONE"
"LightHouse" setmarkercolor "colorgreen"
hint "Lighthouse Destroyed"
obj3=true; publicVariable "obj3";
I know that the init.sqs isn't loaded on player connect... but is there some way to set live variables in some file that can be read and compared when the player joinns that will synchro?
And I know people say the init.sqs isn't read upload a player joining in progress... but I've seen some people do this:
onplayerconnected "Al exec "update.sqs"".... is this for JIP?