Hi friends
Just finished Last Rose In a Desert Garden and I must say wow! I was sucked right in so that I just had to finish it to hear the whole story. Simple but very effective indeed.
Yes you are right, this is what we should see in OFP/ArmA scene too. I am rather disappointed with the single player missions I've played in ArmA 1.04, they are far, far away from Last Rose In a Desert Garden when it comes to immersion and to the will of completing the mission.
Anyone is able to slap objects into the playground in OFP/ArmA and write a few lines of scripting code to make a mission. I think most of the missions people have published are exactly that kind of missions; quickly made with not much deep thoughts about the story. Nothing wrong with many of such missions, sometimes it's good to just go there and shoot around without having to think too much about it but those missions lack something to create a unique experience. There are only a very few missions made for OFP which I have truly enjoyed and I think most of them are FDF Mod missions. It's no wonder because that's where I can relate myself the best, weapons are what I have hold in my hands, when I fire RK-62 I feel like it's the real thing etc., it all adds up hugely to the immersion factor. The reader of the story must feel that he is part of the story, he must be able to relate himself to the story or to the characters in the story. Must be able to "feel" what the characters feel in the story. Then we might have a superb mission at hands. The best books I have read have been exactly like that, they take me to such an emotional imagination ride that time and pages just flows by when I'm reading. Dostojevski as one example of such writer, with his masterpiece
Crime and Punishment. That book takes me so deep into the main characters mind that it's almost scary.
Thanks for the link, Trapper.