Do you think selecting multiple units via the F-keys is bit slow?
Well, most of us know that you can assign units to a subgroup with the command menu via 9 (assign) and one of the available color teams. "MAIN", "RED", "GREEN", "BLUE" and "YELLOW". "MAIN" is "WHITE" in the game.
It might be useful to know that you can assign teams by scripting aswell. self-explanary no?
Simply name the units you want to assign to one of the subgroups. You can always use a units array and the foreach command offcourse.
unitname1 assignteam "RED";unitname2 assignteam "RED";unitname3 assignteam "RED";
REDGRP = [unitname1,unitname2,unitname3];{_x assignteam "RED"} foreach REDGRP
All you have to do now is hold the SPACEBAR (quick command system), select "RED" and all these units are selected.
You can also unassign them again by the unassignteam command