Trapper gave me an idea about dynamic defend concept:
I made an assault mission: the player attack with his squad and well-placed enemy defend a village. (Well placed mean: in buildings, behind objects... etc)
But defender are static (because they are well-placed...
). But it could frustrate the player and it avoid the replayability...
And this problem can solved with a dynamic defend script:
1., There are a few static soldiers (commander in a bunker, sniper on the roof)
2., Rest of enemy troops (riflemen, mg gunners...) will move/run/jog under the attack.
3., Moving/dynamic soldiers are individials (not in group), but they share information about their enemy. (knownAbout/reveal)
4., The script know a lot of good defending position (markers in the field, and buildings' positions)
5., When script run, in randomly period pick up a random soldier and move it to a new (random) position.
I want try it, but I need a help:
a., How can I force a soldier to move (not setPos) into a building to a defined position, from script (not in editor)?
b., How can I defined to a script (in parameter) a building and a building position?
I will have more question, but I could start working with it...
Oh, and BTW what is your opinion about the concept?