1. How does that respawn script know to use it?
In combination with the "Local" command.
?(local server):exit --->it means exit to all who/what is local to the GameLogic named server (it is a bit confusing,
name your GameLogic "Alpha" and your script looks now:?(local Alpha):exit
By Default only Dedicated server is local to GameLogic
?(local player):code --->this code will only run on the players machine,as he and only he is local to player
2. Wouldn't MANY scripts need to use that? Why isn't it included in default in the game.
Yes,many needs it.It probably is included in BIS MP maps.
3. I've seen game logic "AI" in the name field too... is that for other scripts that require it also?
Yes,U can do many things with GameLogics,like pinpoint a position for a sound...
_relPos = [random 1,random 1,random 1]
_rico = player modelToWorld _relPos
_logic = "logic" createVehicle (_rico)
_logic say "bulletricochet1"
deletevehicle _logic
PS:There is nothing "dumb" when trying to understand something