Apologies for the duplicate post, but this additional thought might be missed if I only edit yesterday's post.
Looking at the labels you are using radio1 etc. I wonder if what you are trying to do is to generate random radio messages. If that is the case then the following would be neater:
_messages = [["msg1name",msg1duration],["msg2name",msg2duration],["msg3name",msg3duration]]
;"msg1name" is the name of the first sound file and should be in quotes as shown
; msg1duration is the duration of the sound file in seconds
; eg _messages = [["sound1", 20],["sound2",15]...]
_rnd = random count _messages
_rnd = _rnd - (_rnd % 1)
if (_rnd >= count _messages) then {goto"again"}
; I believe the above line to be un-necessary - but if it is necessary then it prevents an error
_msg = _messages select _rnd
playsound (_msg select 0)
~ (_msg select 1)
That way if you want to add a new message just put an extra array element in _messages.
Also if you want some messages to have a higher probability of occurring than others you can simply repeat their entry in _messages, eg:
_messages = [["sound1",20],["sound2",15],["sound2",15],["sound3",17]]
will result in sound2 having a 50% chance of being played and sound1 and sound 3 each having a 25% chance.