What an honor, I get to be the first Arma Editing post!
I need the move name (animation) for Lean Left, Lean Right, Roll Left and Roll Right. They are not in the BIKI (to my knowledge).
Also, I have tried the two techniques below also for showing animation names while leaning or rolling, but neither show a different animation name for rolling or leaning.
This AddEventHandler ["AnimChanged",{Player SideChat (_This Select 1)}]
Running this script to show animation names (thanks to zombie):
;determines the switchmove name of a particular action
;author {USI}_Zombie
;created 1/24/2007 4:41:31 PM
;call by putting "[] exec "state.sqs"" in any initialization field
_state = animationstate player;
hint format ["%1",_state]
goto "start"
Anybody know how to get the AI to perform these moves?