Hmmm let me see. About how long it takes, create a script like this:
time = 120.00
time2 = time
time2 = time2 - 0.01
? (win) : goto "continue"
goto "loop"
timef = 120 - time2
timef2 = 120 - timef
hint format ["It took %1 seconds", timef2]
This about how long it takes. Idon't think you can use a trigger to do that.
Ook, abut the time out create a trigger. Countdown 120 in mid, max, min.
Now condition: this
ON Activation: out = true
So now if the countdown reaches 0 the condition out will be true. Create an init.sqs file and put: out = false; win = false.
Edit: Little big mistake
Now create another trigger. Condition: out AND !(Win) so the trigger will activate when the countdown is 0 and you have not won (win = false). So now when you want the player to win (get out of an area and kill the targets) set win as true.
Hope this helps.