Got a big problem, can't figure it out by trial & error. :-\
What i need: there's a trigger reacting to all west units entering it. I need to know which unit or which group has just entered it.
That's because i need to do a variety of things with the unit/group: spawn enemies depending on the unit's/group's direction, reveal them to the enemies, etc.
- I tried out the list
trigger-command by setting everything up and testing it by :
i = player countEnemy list triggerOne; hint format ["Enemies: %1 ", i];
The problem is a 'knowAbout' problem: the list won't update until (in this case) me, the player, knows about the enemy units. So as long as i haven't spotted/revealed them, the list stays empty although they are already in the trigger.
- I can't do nearestObject because there are many different types of units and vehicles involved.
ppfffff - oh man, my head is smoking. someone can help me out ?