I think it would be better to use random respawn points when it's for a DM;
you can either do that with different spawnpoints by calling them (those are markers) west_respawn west_respawn_1 west_respawn_2 and so on for the player to respawn. Or use a bunch of gamelogics and make a random respawn script for the player.
Create the vehicle out of sight at a gamelogic;
_veh = "classname" createvehicle myGL
Player removeventhandler ["killed",Tx_A]
@ alive player
_pos = getpos player
titlecut [" ","BLACK OUT",0.001]
Tx_A =player addEventHandler ["killed", {_this exec "playerkilled.sqs"}]
@ ! isnull _veh
_veh setpos _pos
Player moveindriver _veh
tittlecut ["","BLACK IN",0.1]
Hope that works.
For random respawn points perform a search there's many topics on that
Sorry for the slow reply, but ive been on holiday but im back now so lets continue..
I got an error when player died saying unknow operator removeventhandler.
EDIT: I found problem, a little typo
Also i found another typo for the fade-in to many 't's in titlecut
So now the script to use now is :
_veh = "vehiclename" createvehicle gamelogicname
Player removeeventhandler ["killed",Tx_A]
@ alive player
_pos = getpos player
titlecut [" ","BLACK OUT",0.001]
Tx_A = player addEventHandler ["killed", {_this exec "playerkilled.sqs"}]
@ ! isnull _veh
_veh setpos _pos
Player moveindriver _veh
_veh lock true
titlecut ["","BLACK IN",0.1]
I added the lock feature since i didnt want ppl getting out of the vehicle.
I also added a small time delay because when the player respawns he randomly ends up in a marker area. Inside the marker area there is 9 triggers. Each takes the player to a diffrent game logic on the map. Therefore random respawn (I use it in all my DM's to avoid scripts :p )
Im gonna see if it works now.
EDIT II : OK, when it trys to create the vehicle it says the following error :
'_veh = "M1Abrams" CreateVehicle vehspawn|#|' Error createvehicle: Type Object, expected Array
Thanks for your help