Hehe, well I tried both.
It seems like I need to do a bit more reading on the functions of the 'Guarded by' stuff etc...
The 'doMove' solution works perfectly though.
Only how do I get them to return to base when they arrive at the player pos? Creating an object called 'home' and adding investigroup (which is my investigation group's name) move (getPos home) in the init field after the command that makes them go to the player pos. But that just makes them move to the home object instantly when the trigger is fired.
I also had another idea... (Won't start with that until I get them to return AFTER reaching the player pos.)
I'm gonna make the trigger area quite a bit larger, and make the search party move out in a UAZ instead of on foot.
I need some help with that again.
groupmember1 moveindriver uaz
groupmember2 moveincargo uaz
investigroup move (getPos player)
The above would make groupmember one get in the UAZ as driver and make groupmember two get in the UAZ as cargo, and then make the entire group move to the position of the player, right?
But... I need to know how to determine wether they go on foot or by car.
Also, how do I make them disembark when they get back?
Edit: The investigation group worked a bit too well just a minute ago.
I played the mission, to see which parts need more work, and decided to shoot the patrol from quite a large distance. So I did, killed it off, and then another soldier runs out of the compound to the area where the patrol was shot. So I think it's a guy from the the investigation team, and I wonder where the other half of it is. I shoot him, and move on towards the enemy base. Then suddenly my nr 2 reports and shoots 2 soldiers on our flank... I was pretty glad I'd just told them to open fire... Also, I'm adding a screenshot of the base with some guards and the patrol so you can see what I'm using it for.