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Author Topic: Mechanical units  (Read 1169 times)

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Mechanical units
« on: 21 Aug 2006, 19:49:48 »
Hi all,

I was wondering if it was possible for mechanical units to be implented in OFP. A few in my mod community are working on Replicators (mechanical spiderlike bugs from the scfi tvshow Stargate SG-1) and the first problem that came along was, when shot they leave a big ol' blood splat on the floor.. We've establisched that blood can't be turned off via the editor, only for all units and not just one in the game options.. So we moved on to the fact that these bugs are vehicles.. But the problem arose that the animations wouldn't work..

Could anyone shed light on how we could make little mechanical critters in OFP, or is it sheer impossible to stop them from bleeding?

Kind regards,