First of all I would like to commend everyone involved with this site, I know recently there have been some problems, but it still remains a great resource; full of the best Ofp scripters, mission makers, etc. I have gotten many nice addons, missions, etc from here in the past too.
The reason for my post, is that I have been trying pretty much all day to make a dude sit in a chair (WAIT!!! DON'T CLOSE THIS!!) I, of course figured out how to do this, but then old boy becomes static, even if dead. Do you recommend scripting another animation after onchair, or maybe null? I'm not sure, but I want general guba to be sitting down for a meeting and get smoked by the sniper (myself). Basically, how do I keep a unit animated but also responsive to enemy activity??
Any help could be great, although I have gotten more than enough from this site already!!