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Author Topic: RHS script problem  (Read 1173 times)

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Offline hamis

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RHS script problem
« on: 03 Jun 2006, 14:21:41 »
Hi!I have made my own unit replacement mod,but i have one problem.T55 is replaced by RHS T55AM2,but i can't make random numbering script(original RHS one)to work.Any help appreciated.

Offline hamis

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Re: RHS script problem
« Reply #1 on: 18 Jun 2006, 07:09:36 »
Well,i think someone could make it work by changing it to resistance side (EECP_RHS_T55_Init.sqs).

Offline bedges

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Re: RHS script problem
« Reply #2 on: 18 Jun 2006, 10:21:14 »
if you post the random number script here it might help to better diagnose the problem.

Offline hamis

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Re: RHS script problem
« Reply #3 on: 22 Jun 2006, 19:41:16 »
Sorry,those were EECP stuff,these are RHS scripts!

Code: [Select]

_path = "\RHS_T55Pack_Scripts\"
_tank = _this select 0
_line = "T55"

? format ["%1", RHS_T55_NoScripts] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_T55_NoScripts = false
? format ["%1", RHS_NoScripts] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_NoScripts = false
? RHS_T55_NoScripts || RHS_NoScripts: exit
? format ["%1", RHS_smokeOff] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RAE_smokeOff = false
? format ["%1", RAE_serverCount] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RAE_serverCount = 0
? format ["%1", RHS_T55_FctLoad] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_T55_FctLoad = false
thisIsServer = true
thisIsMP = false
~(random 0.5) + 0.5
? (playersNumber east + playersNumber west + playersNumber resistance + playersNumber civilian == 0): goTo "afterMPCheck"
thisIsMp = true
thisIsServer = false
publicVariable "thisIsMP"
? isNull (vehicle player): RAE_srv1 = "dedi"; publicVariable "RAE_srv1"; thisIsServer = true; goTo "afterMPCheck" 
? format ["%1", CoC_isServer] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": goTo "normServCheck"
? CoC_isServer: thisIsServer = true; RAE_srv1 = "dedi"; publicVariable "RAE_srv1"; goTo "afterMPCheck"
? ! CoC_isServer: goTo "afterMPCheck"
? format ["%1", serverChk] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": goTo "notEasy"
? local serverChk: thisIsServer = true; RAE_srv1 = "dedi"; publicVariable "RAE_srv1"
hint "Error..."
goTo "afterMPCheck"
? local _tank: RAE_serverCount = RAE_serverCount + 1
? RAE_serverCount > 1 && format ["%1", RAE_srv1] != "dedi": thisIsServer = true; RAE_srv1 == "dedi"; publicVariable "RAE_srv1"; goTo "afterMPCheck"
? RAE_srv1 == "dedi" || thisIsServer: goTo "afterMPCheck"
? RAE_srv1 == "dedi" || thisIsServer: goTo "afterMPCheck"
~random 1
RAE_srv2 = player
publicVariable "RAE_srv2"
? RAE_srv1 == "dedi" || thisIsServer: goTo "afterMPCheck"
? RAE_srv2 == player || thisIsServer: thisIsServer = true; RAE_srv1 == "dedi"; publicVariable "RAE_srv1"

? ! RHS_T55_FctLoad: RHS_FctLoad = true; RHS_T55_Numbers = loadFile format ["%1RAE_Numbers.sqf", _path]; RHS_T55_MPN = loadFile format ["%1RAE_MPN.sqf", _path]; RHS_countedCargo = loadFile format ["%1RAE_countCargo.sqf", _path]; RHS_T55_MPNumberFct = loadFile format ["%1RAE_MPNumbers.sqf", _path]; RHS_TriggFct = loadFile format ["%1RAE_TriggerFct.sqf", _path]

RHS_T55_throwOff = objNull
RHS_T55sWithNormalNumbers = ["SIG_T55A", "SIG_T54", "SIG_T55AM2", "SIG_T54d", "SIG_T55Aw", "SIG_T54w", "SIG_T55AM2w"];
RHS_ExportT55sGDR = ["SIG_T55Agdr", "SIG_T55Awgdr", "SIG_T55AgdrR", "SIG_T55AwgdrR"];
RHS_ExportT55sCz = ["SIG_T55Acz", "SIG_T55AczR", "SIG_T55AwczR", "SIG_T55Awcz"];
RHS_ExportT55sChina = ["SIG_Ty59", "SIG_Ty69II", "SIG_Ty59ExpR", "SIG_Ty69IIR"];
RHS_ExportT55sIraq = ["SIG_T55d", "SIG_Ty69IId", "SIG_T55dBC", "SIG_T55dBCR", "SIG_T55dR", "SIG_Ty69IIdExpR"]
RHS_T55sWithResiNumbers = ["SIG_T54R", "SIG_T54dR", "SIG_T54wR", "SIG_Ty69IIdR", "SIG_Ty59R"]
RHS_T55sWithResiSpecials = ["SIG_T54R", "SIG_Ty59R"]
RHS_T55sWithoutCargoProxies =  ["SIG_T55dBC"]
RHS_T55s_Possible_Gvards = ["russ", "czech", "finn", "gdr", "none", "resi"]
RHS_T55s_Possible_Embs = ["random", "emb1", "emb2", "none"]

? ! (typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithoutCargoProxies): _tank exec format ["%1RAE_check.sqs", _path]

? typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithNormalNumbers: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "random", ["russ", 3]]
? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sGDR: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "none", ["gdr"]]
? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sCz: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "none", ["czech"]]
? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sChina: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "none", ["none"]]
? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sIraq: _array = [_tank, "randomArabic", "none", ["none"]]
? typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithResiNumbers: _array = [_tank, "randomResi", "none", ["none"]]

? ! thisIsMP: _array call RHS_T55_Numbers; goTo "loop"
? thisIsServer: _array call RHS_T55_MPN

_i = -1
_i = _i + 1
? _i > 1000: _i = -1; hint "RHS_T55Pack MP Error."
? format ["%1", call format [{RAE_%1_Object_%2}, _line, _i]] != format ["%1", _tank]: goTo "MPloop"

[_tank, _i] call RHS_T55_MPNumberFct
publicVariable "RHS_T55_throwOff"
publicVariable "RHS_T55_NoScripts"
publicVariable "RHS_NoScripts"

? isNull _tank: exit
? ! (alive _tank): _tank exec format ["%1fire.sqs", _path]; exit
? format ["%1", RHS_T55_throwOff] == format ["%1", _tank]: [_tank] exec format ["%1RAE_throwOff.sqs", _path]
goTo "loop"


private["_path", "_pathNum", "_tank", "_name1", "_name2", "_name3", "_type", "_typeBeg", "_var", "_num1", "_num2", "_num3", "_gvardA", "_emb", "_gvard", "_rnd", "_leaves", "_net1", "_net2", "_typeBeg"];
_path = "\RHS_T55Pack_Scripts\";
_pathNum = "\SIG_T55\Nums\";
_tank = _this select 0;
_type = _this select 1;
_name1 = "n";
_name2 = "in_";
_name3 = "g";
_typeBeg = "none";

if (_type == "random") then
_typeBeg = "random";
_var = random 1;
if (_var >= 0.5) then
_type = "randomArabic"
} else
_type = "randomNormal"

if (_type == "randomNormal") then
_typeBeg = "random";
_type = "normal";
_num1 = random 9;
_var = _num1 mod 1;
if (_var >= 0.5) then
_num1 = (_num1 - _var) + 1
} else
_num1 = _num1 - _var
_num2 = random 9;
_var = _num2 mod 1;
if (_var >= 0.5) then
_num2 = (_num2 - _var) + 1
} else
_num2 = _num2 - _var
_num3 = random 9;
_var = _num3 mod 1;
if (_var >= 0.5) then
_num3 = (_num3 - _var) + 1
} else
_num3 = _num3 - _var
_emb = _this select 2;
_gvardA = _this select 3;
if (_type == "randomArabic") then
_typeBeg = "random";
_type = "arabic";
_num1 = random 9;
_var = _num1 mod 1;
if (_var >= 0.5) then
_num1 = (_num1 - _var) + 1
} else
_num1 = _num1 - _var
_num2 = random 9;
_var = _num2 mod 1;
if (_var >= 0.5) then
_num2 = (_num2 - _var) + 1
} else
_num2 = _num2 - _var
_num3 = random 9;
_var = _num3 mod 1;
if (_var >= 0.5) then
_num3 = (_num3 - _var) + 1
} else
_num3 = _num3 - _var
_emb = _this select 2;
_gvardA = _this select 3;
if (_type == "randomResi") then
_typeBeg = "random";
_type = "resi";
_num1 = random 9;
_var = _num1 mod 1;
if (_var >= 0.5) then
_num1 = (_num1 - _var) + 1
} else
_num1 = _num1 - _var
_num2 = random 9;
_var = _num2 mod 1;
if (_var >= 0.5) then
_num2 = (_num2 - _var) + 1
} else
_num2 = _num2 - _var;
_emb = _this select 2;
_gvardA = _this select 3;
if (_type == "none" || _typeBeg != "random") then
_num1 =  (_this select 2) select 0;
_num2 =  (_this select 2) select 1;
if (_type != "resi") then
_num3 = (_this select 2) select 2
_emb = _this select 3;
_gvardA = _this select 4

if (_emb == "random") then
_rnd = random 3;
if (_rnd < 1) then
_emb = "emb1"
if (_rnd >= 1) then
_emb = "emb2"
if (_rnd >= 2) then
_emb = "none"

if (_emb == "none") then
_emb = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum]
} else
_emb = format ["%1%2.paa", _pathNum, _emb]

_gvard = _gvardA select 0;
if (count _gvardA != 1) then
if (random 10 > (_gvardA select 1)) then
_gvard = "none"

if (! (format ["%1", _gvard] in RHS_T55s_Possible_Gvards)) then
_gvard = format ["%1.paa", _gvard]
} else
if (_gvard == "none") then
_gvard = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum]
} else
_gvard = format ["%1%2.paa", _pathNum, _gvard]

if (typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithResiSpecials) then
_var = random 2;
if (_var < 1) then
_leaves = "\o\tree\borovice01.pac"
} else
_leaves = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum]
_var = random 2;
if (_var < 1) then
_net1 = "\data\mask_sit_2x1_ridka.paa"
} else
_net1 = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum]
_var = random 2;
if (_var < 1) then
_net2 = "\data\mask_sit_2x1_ridka.paa"
} else
_net2 = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum]
_tank setObjectTexture [2, _leaves];
_tank setObjectTexture [3, _net1];
_tank setObjectTexture [4, _net2]
} else
_tank setObjectTexture [3, _emb];
_tank setObjectTexture [4, _gvard]

if (_type == "normal") then
_tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num1]];
_tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num2]];
_tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num3]];
} else
if (_type == "arabic") then
_tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num1]];
_tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num2]];
_tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num3]];
} else
if (_type == "resi") then
_tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, _num1]];
_tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, _num2]];


_path = "\RHS_T55Pack_Scripts\"
_tank = _this select 0
_line = "T55"

? format ["%1", RHS_T55_NoScripts] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_T55_NoScripts = false
? format ["%1", RHS_T55_UN] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_T55_UN = []
? format ["%1", RHS_T55_FctLoad] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_T55_FctLoad = false
? local _tank: _tank animate ["suspension", .5]; _tank animate ["suspension2", .5]; _tank animate ["recoil", 1];

? RHS_T55_NoScripts || RHS_NoScripts: exit

? ! RHS_T55_FctLoad: RHS_T55_FctLoad = true; RHS_T55_UserNums = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_UserNums.sqf", _path]; RHS_T55_Numbers = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_Numbers.sqf", _path]; RHS_T55_MPN = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_MPN.sqf", _path]; RHS_T55_MPNumberFct = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_MPNumbers.sqf", _path]; RHS_T55_Dust = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_Dust.sqf", _path]; RHS_T55_Fired = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_Fired.sqf", _path]

RHS_T55_throwOff = [objNull]
RHS_T55sWithNormalNumbers = ["SIG_T55A", "SIG_T54", "SIG_T55AM2", "SIG_T54d", "SIG_T55Aw", "SIG_T54w", "SIG_T55AM2w"];
RHS_ExportT55sGDR = ["SIG_T55Agdr", "SIG_T55Awgdr", "SIG_T55AgdrR", "SIG_T55AwgdrR"];
RHS_ExportT55sChina = ["SIG_Ty59", "SIG_Ty69II", "SIG_Ty59ExpR", "SIG_Ty69IIR"];
RHS_ExportT55sNam = ["SIG_T55Anam", "SIG_T55AnamR"]
RHS_ExportT55sIraq = ["SIG_T55d", "SIG_Ty69IId", "SIG_T55dBC", "SIG_T55dBCR", "SIG_T55dR", "SIG_Ty69IIdExpR"]
RHS_T55sWithResiNumbers = ["SIG_T54R", "SIG_T54dR", "SIG_T54wR", "SIG_Ty69IIdR", "SIG_Ty59R"]
RHS_T55s = RHS_T55sWithNormalNumbers + RHS_ExportT55sGDR + RHS_ExportT55sChina + RHS_ExportT55sNam + RHS_ExportT55sIraq + RHS_T55sWithResiNumbers
RHS_T55sWithResiSpecials = ["SIG_T54R", "SIG_Ty59R"]
RHS_T55sWithoutCargoProxies =  ["SIG_T55dBC"]
RHS_T55sWithExtBarrels = ["SIG_T55A", "SIG_T54", "SIG_T55AM2", "SIG_T55Agdr", "SIG_Ty59", "SIG_Ty69II", "SIG_T55AgdrR", "SIG_Ty59ExpR", "SIG_Ty59R", "SIG_Ty69IIR", "SIG_Ty59R", "SIG_T54R"]
RHS_T55sWithExtBarrelsD = ["SIG_T54dR", "SIG_T54d", "SIG_T55d", "SIG_Ty69IId", "SIG_T55dBC", "SIG_T55dBCR", "SIG_T55dR", "SIG_Ty69IIdExpR", "SIG_Ty69IIdR"]
RHS_T55sWithExtBarrelsW = ["SIG_T54wR", "SIG_T54w", "SIG_T55Aw", "SIG_T55Awgdr", "SIG_T55AwgdrR", "SIG_T55AM2w"]
RHS_T55sWithExtBarrelsN = ["SIG_T55Anam", "SIG_T55AnamR"]
RHS_T55s_Possible_Embs = ["emb1", "emb2", "no", "russ", "czech", "finn", "gdr", "resi", "china", "iraq", "nva", "pol1", "pol2", "fia"]


? ! (typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithoutCargoProxies): _tank exec format ["%1RAE_T55_Check.sqs", _path]

? typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithNormalNumbers: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", ["random"], ["russ", 3]]
? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sGDR: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", ["no"], ["gdr"]]
? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sChina: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", ["no"], ["china"]]
? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sIraq: _array = [_tank, "randomArabic", ["no"], ["iraq"]]
? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sNam: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", ["no"], ["nva"]]
? typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithResiNumbers: _array = [_tank, "randomResi", ["no"], ["resi"]]

? thisIsMP: goto "MP"

_array call RHS_T55_Numbers
goTo "loop"

? _tank in RHS_T55_UN: goTo "loop"
_array call RHS_T55_MPN
~0.9 - random 0.6
_i = -1
_i = _i + 1
? _i > 1000: _i = -1; hint "RHS_T55Pack MP Error."
? format ["%1", call format [{RAE_%1_Object_%2}, _line, _i]] != format ["%1", _tank]: goTo "MPloop"

[_tank, _i] call RHS_T55_MPNumberFct
publicVariable "RHS_T55_throwOff"
publicVariable "RHS_T55_NoScripts"
publicVariable "RHS_NoScripts"

? isNull _tank: exit
? ! (alive _tank): [_tank, [.5,1,.5], 90, 5, "" ] exec format ["%1RAE_T55_Fire.sqs", _path]; exit
? format ["%1", RHS_T55_throwOff select 0] == format ["%1", _tank]: RHS_T55_throwOff exec format ["%1RAE_T55_throwOff.sqs", _path]
? count (_tank call RHS_logicsInCrew) > 0: [_tank, "cargo"] exec format ["%1RAE_T55_throwOff.sqs", _path]; "_x action [{EJECT}, _tank]; _x moveInCargo _tank" forEach (_tank call RHS_logicsInCrew)
goTo "loop"


private["_path", "_pathNum", "_tank", "_name1", "_name2", "_name3", "_type", "_var", "_num1", "_num2", "_num3", "_gvAr", "_embl", "_gvard", "_rnd", "_net1", "_net2", "_typeBeg", "_embl1"];
_path = "\RHS_T55Pack_Scripts\";
_pathNum = "\RHS_Misc\Signs\";
_tank = _this select 0;
_type = _this select 1;
_name1 = "n";
_name2 = "a";
_name3 = "g";

_typeBeg = "none";

if (_type == "random") then
_typeBeg = "random";
_var = random 1;
if (_var >= 0.5) then
_type = "randomArabic"
} else
_type = "randomNormal"

if (! (_type in ["resi", "normal", "arabic"])) then
_typeBeg = "random";
[_tank, _type] exec format ["%1DKMM_Numbers.sqs", _path];
_embl = _this select 2;
_gvAr = _this select 3

if (_type == "none" || _typeBeg != "random") then
_embl = _this select 3;
_gvAr = _this select 4;
_num1 =  (_this select 2) select 0;
_num2 =  (_this select 2) select 1;
if (count (_this select 2) == 3) then
_num3 = (_this select 2) select 2
} else {_num3 = ""};

_embl1 = _embl select 0;
if (_embl1 == "random") then
_rnd = random 3;
if (_rnd < 1) then
_embl1 = "emb1"
if (_rnd >= 1) then
_embl1 = "emb2"
if (_rnd >= 2) then
_embl1 = "no"
if (count _embl != 1) then
if (random 10 > (_embl select 1)) then
_embl1 = "no"
if (! (_embl1 in RHS_T55s_Possible_Embs)) then
{} else
_embl1 = format ["%1%2.paa", _pathNum, _embl1]

_gvard = _gvAr select 0;
if (count _gvAr != 1) then
if (random 10 > (_gvAr select 1)) then
_gvard = "no"

if (! (_gvard in RHS_T55s_Possible_Embs)) then
{} else
_gvard = format ["%1%2.paa", _pathNum, _gvard]

if (typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithResiSpecials) then
_var = random 2;
if (_var < 1) then
_net1 = format ["%1tarnet.paa", _pathNum]
} else
_net1 = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum]
_var = random 2;
if (_var < 1) then
_net2 = format ["%1tarnet.paa", _pathNum]
} else
_net2 = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum]
_tank setObjectTexture [7, _net1];
_tank setObjectTexture [8, _net2]

_tank setObjectTexture [3, _gvard];
_tank setObjectTexture [5, _embl1];

if (_type == "normal") then
_tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num1]];
_tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num2]];
_tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num3]];
} else
if (_type == "arabic") then
_tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num1]];
_tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num2]];
_tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num3]];
} else
if (_type == "resi") then
_tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, _num1]];
_tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, _num2]];
_tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, _num3]];


private ["_pathNum", "_name1", "_name2", "_name3", "_line", "_tank", "_i"];
_pathNum = "\RHS_Misc\Signs\";
_name1 = "n";
_name2 = "a";
_name3 = "g";
_line = "T55";
_tank = _this select 0;
_i = _this select 1;

if (call format ["RAE_%1_Type_%2", _line, _i] == 0) then
_tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, call format ["RAE_%1_Number1_%2", _line, _i] ]];
_tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, call format ["RAE_%1_Number2_%2", _line, _i] ]];
_tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, call format ["RAE_%1_Number3_%2", _line, _i] ]]
} else
if (call format ["RAE_%1_Type_%2", _line, _i] == 1) then
_tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, call format ["RAE_%1_Number1_%2", _line, _i] ]];
_tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, call format ["RAE_%1_Number2_%2", _line, _i] ]];
_tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, call format ["RAE_%1_Number3_%2", _line, _i] ]]
} else
if (call format ["RAE_%1_Type_%2", _line, _i] == 2) then
_tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, call format ["RAE_%1_Number1_%2", _line, _i] ]];
_tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, call format ["RAE_%1_Number2_%2", _line, _i] ]];
_tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, call format ["RAE_%1_Number3_%2", _line, _i] ]]
_this call RHS_T55_MPNumberFct
« Last Edit: 23 Jul 2006, 20:59:26 by Planck »

Offline Planck

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Re: RHS script problem
« Reply #4 on: 23 Jul 2006, 20:58:51 »
Double Post removed.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.