Ok, here's my "touch of death"
myloc = getpos player; deadguy = nearestobject myloc; deadguy setdammage 1;
This, quite hilariously, kills me. ;D
It does exactly what I told it to do, but if I want to kill the person closest to me, (without killing me) how would I do this?
BTW, nobody should lose sleep over this, it's just a way for me to learn this stuff.
Yay! I found a way to do this, even with crappy 1.30 version! (OFPR) coming in the mail........... :-\
I take apart the array, using select, then using variables, put together a new array. I wish I could use SET, but I will be
able to use it once I get OFPR.
So now it kills a poor idiot that happens to be standing east of me.
But the question still stands, can I have it not target me with nearestobject?
because it seems silly to have the nearest object to me be me... I understand, but can it not include me in the search?