I can make the puke work ok, is this the only effect because I just get errors in my map saying "resource title sick not found".
I have modified both description.ext to work with my mission. Im not sure if I have removed something I still need.
Below are the 2 scripts
My description.ext :Respawn = "BASE";
RespawnDelay = 30;
class CfgMusic
// List of music tracks (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)
tracks[] = {introsong};
// Class definition needed for each music track
class introsong
// Name to display in mission editor
name = "introsong";
// Music path, volume, pitch
sound[] = {\music\introsong.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
class RscText
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
font = "SteelfishB128";
sizeEx = 0.05;
class RscTitles
class sick
class fondosick : RscText
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = 1;
h = 1;
text = "";
colorBackground[] = {0.5, 0, 0, 0.2};
My sick.sqs :;sick.sqs by Mandoble
_dur = 1
_rot = 1
_mass = 1.5
_vol = 1
_color = [[1,0.6,0,1],[0.8,0.6,0,1],[0.7,0.4,0,1],[0.6,0.4,0,1],[0.7,0.5,0,1],[0.8,0.6,0,1],[1,0.7,0,1],[1,0.6,0,1]]
_size = [0.05,0.05,0.2,0.2,0.1,0.3]
_nums = 0
? !sick: goto "salvado"
_dmg = damage player
player setDamage (_dmg + (random 0.15))
? _nums == 3: cutText["\n\n(I'm feeling so weak ...)", "PLAIN DOWN"]
titleRSC ["sick","Plain Down",100]
player switchMove "FXToKneel"
_timeini = time
_ang = getDir player
_pos = [(getPos player select 0)+sin(_ang)*0.4,(getPos player select 1)+cos(_ang)*0.25,0.9]
_vel = [sin(_ang)*0.7, cos(_ang)*0.7, 0]
?(time - _timeini)<3:goto "puke"
goto "levantar"
player switchMove "FXFromKneel"
titleRSC ["Default","Plain Down",100]
;~(15 + random 10)
~(30 + random 20)
_nums = _nums + 1
goto "sonido"
For the sick.sqs i removed anything refering to sounds, since I dont want these in my mission.
I havnt been doing basic scripting for long, so it would explain why it dosent work.
Thanks for your help.