Hello, hello. I have a little problem with randomizing the locations for my three shilkas on my co-op map.
I've tried to improve the script, but I get errors that are too long for my screen, and I can't find a log file for anything but game-crashes.
The error, as far as I can read it, reads like follows:
'if (_shilkaLoc < 5 && ! _busyLoc|#|[4]) then {shilka_array[_x-1] setPos shilkaECutting; _busyLoc set [5, true]; goto "Facing"}': Error Unkown
;;Declaration of variables
_x = 0
_array_size = 0
_busyLoc = [false,false,false,false,false,false]
if (_x < count shilka_array) then {_x = _x + 1}
;Pick location
_shilkaLoc = random 6
if (_shilkaLoc < 1 && ! _busyLoc[0]) then {shilka_array[_x-1] setPos shilkaJoudov; _busyLoc set [0, true]; goto "shilkaPos"}
if (_shilkaLoc < 2 && ! _busyLoc[1]) then {shilka_array[_x-1] setPos shilkaPaseky; _busyLoc set [1, true]; goto "shilkaPos"}
if (_shilkaLoc < 3 && ! _busyLoc[2]) then {shilka_array[_x-1] setPos shilkaSkalice; _busyLoc set [2, true]; goto "shilkaPos"}
if (_shilkaLoc < 4 && ! _busyLoc[3]) then {shilka_array[_x-1] setPos shilkaOpatov; _busyLoc set [3, true]; goto "shilkaPos"}
if (_shilkaLoc < 5 && ! _busyLoc[4]) then {shilka_array[_x-1] setPos shilkaWCutting; _busyLoc set [4, true]; goto "Facing"}
if (_shilkaLoc <= 6 && ! _busyLoc[5]) then {shilka_array[_x-1] setPos shilkaECutting; _busyLoc set [5, true]; goto "Facing"}
_x = _x - 1
goto "Loop"
_radius = random 100
_angle = random 360
_xPos = _radius * sin(_angle)
_yPos = _radius * cos(_angle)
shilka_array[_x-1] setPos [(getPos this select 0) + _xPos, (getPos this select 1) + _yPos, getPos this select 2]
goto "Facing"
_direction = random 360
shilka_array[_x-1] setFormDir _direction
player globalChat "Shilka" _x "is on the field"
goto "Loop"