Hi all, I am having problems with my intro, this is it so far...
titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",3]
enableradio false
_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]
; and ... action!
_cam camsettarget logic1
_cam camsetrelpos [-80,100,7]
_cam camcommit 0
@camcommitted _cam
titlecut ["RFK Assassination Project","plain down",2]
; start the camera moving
_cam camsettarget logic1
_cam camsetrelpos [-35,-25,5]
_cam camcommit 10
@camcommitted _cam
titlecut ["Created By Alex","plain down",2]
_cam camsettarget logic1
_cam camsetrelpos [0,-10,3]
_cam camcommit 15
@camcommitted _cam
titlecut ["","plain down",2]
_cam camsettarget logic1
_cam camsetrelpos [7,-7,3]
_cam camcommit 6
@camcommitted _cam
titlecut ["","BLACK OUT",2]
; tidy up and exit
_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]
camdestroy _cam
enableRadio true
Ok, now with this i have a boat come in and land, just as it hits shore the fade kicks in, this is what i want. I now want to delete the boat some how and have troops running up the beach, but i do not want to be able to see the spot where the boat landed becasues it will look stupid.. How can i do this anyone?