or make a trigger at the beach of where u want to dock the boat, put a short delay on the min,med,max (3-5?) just so the boat isn't coasting too fast before they unload. Make the trigger detected by the side your boat crews on or by the boat itself. In the trigger unassign your players then tell them to eject or getout.. the script for that would be:
UnassignVehicle player1
player1 action ["eject",theboat]
UnassignVehicle player2
player2 action ["eject",theboat]
UnassignVehicle player3
player3 action ["eject",theboat]
and so on.. change the ~1 to what ever u want and the names of the boat\players.. you dont have to use a script just do this but I dont know how to space them out other than making a trigger for every player..
UnassignVehicle player1; player1 action ["eject",theboat]