Well, I have a trigger covering an area, to harvest all the logics. They are in an array.
If I check the names of the logics, against another array, the WPx names dont show up, but instead I have things like Bravo Black.
_convldr = _this select 0
_logics = List LogicList
_lognam = ["wp1","wp2","wp3","wp4"]
_cl = (count _logics)
_rndom = random _cl
_rndom = _rndom - (_rndom mod 1)
_rndomLogic = _logics select _rndom
_c = 0
_b = _lognam select _c
_a = _rndomlogic
hint format ["%1 namelog %2 namelognam", _a, _b]
? _a == _b: goto "moveass"
_c = _c + 1
? _c == _cl:hint "error, no WPx found"; exit
goto "checkwp"
_convldr move getpos (_rndomLogic)
_c = _convldr distance _rndomlogic
hint format ["%1 distance %2 ", _rndom,_c]
?((_convldr distance _rndomLogic) < 10):goto "loop"
Goto "loop1"