working this script after death the cam runs fine, but wont go to retry, load, ext, screen. What am i missing?
_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]
; point the camera at the player, and place it 2m to the players left,
; 10m to his front and 3m above the ground [x,y,z] x left,right y front,back z height
_cam camsettarget player
_cam camsetrelpos [-2,1,15]
_cam camcommit 0
_cam camsetrelpos [0,0,1]
_cam camcommit 10
@camcommitted _cam
; fade in from black over 2 seconds
titlecut ["Your Dead","BLACK IN",2]
; end cutscene
_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]
CamDestroy _cam
i have a cinima screen and can move the mouse up and down,,,but then i can only alt=F4 it to get out,,,,,,, DisableUserInput TRUE or faulse,,, endcut = true?