New to editing and have a few questions for you:
1) How do I block user audio files? I had a user in a game that I was hosting and he had an audio file that was playing which was offensve and would play it seems at his command.
There is a server setting that will restrict the user custom filesizes for audiom faces etc
However i dont believe you can bar a specific file.
Easy way round this problem is have the server admin kick / ban the player
2) I want enemy squads to spawn after a trigger is set or after a certain time. how do I do that?
Implement bn880's AiOnDemand system
it does all the above
it can either use a boolean to respawn the units or a distance
have the trigger execute a script which will createunit the units for ya
or setpos them out of cargo
The editor's depot has some spawn manager scripts
have the triggers condition: time > XXX where XXX is the time in seconds you want the trigger to activate after mission start
3) How do I respawn vecs?
The editors depot has some vehicle respawn scripts
4) How can I spawn guards already in a tower. I am referring to the towers which are permanent objects on the map. But also if you can tell me how on non-permanent towers that would be cool too.
use the setpos command after creating the unit
or if the tower has a machinegun, then use
unitname moveingunner machinegunNamethe third element in the setpos array is the height
[0,0,5] is 5 metres above the ground (think its metres)
x axis = getpos (object 3345) select 0
y axis = getpos (object 3345) select 1
height = getpos (object 3345) select 2
getpos object 13345
object 3345 would be the object number of the item which is an object that is part of the island
To get these object Id's, select "show id's" in the mission editor then zoom in
if it was an object that you placed on the map, then give it a name in the mission editor
eg Tower1
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