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Author Topic: Kiev  (Read 1549 times)

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« on: 07 Oct 2002, 00:58:15 »

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« Reply #1 on: 07 Oct 2002, 01:00:42 »

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Ferret Fangs

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« Reply #2 on: 07 Oct 2002, 05:34:27 »
Yep. That up's the ante just a bit.
From the days when the Ruskies were the scariest things the USN could imagine in their worst nightmares. Actually it was a great idea in it's day... Basically the Kiev was the Russians only blue water carrier for a long time, but she was more than that, as she was also a heavy guided missile cruiser as well. Her air wing of Yak-38 Forger's never really posed much danger to a modern navy... but the Kiev's real punch was the eight SS-N-12 "Sandbox" supersonic cruise missiles, carried on her bow. I'd like to have seen the USN build a similar escort carrier/battle cruiser type ship to escort Amphibious Ready Groups in place of the now obselete Iowa class battleships.

Offline Vera_Krieg

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« Reply #3 on: 07 Oct 2002, 07:17:26 »
But the ARG's have the Phalanx system, anything of any size, moving, with in range, is an easy target. in fact there are 2  of them on the Tarawa and Iwa Jima, and 3 on the Wasp class vessels.  The prospective replacement for the Tarawa has three aswell.  Not to mention the Sea Sparrows on each of the Ships
« Last Edit: 07 Oct 2002, 07:25:01 by Vera_Krieg »
Trained to Fight, Trained To Kill, Ready to Die, but Never Will.  Marines Make the Blood Flow, Blood Makes the Grass Grow...

Ferret Fangs

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« Reply #4 on: 08 Oct 2002, 01:48:44 »
In the close-in air defense role, you are of course correct... Although a large ship such as this could mount several VLS batteries, providing a much more extensive anti-air defense umbrella that could encompass the entire group. I am referring to the Standard series of SAMs used by the USN of course. The VLS also provides an ASW capability in the RUM-39 VLASROC weapon, and a heavy SSM attack with the Tomahawk B SSM. Harpoon would be mounted for a lighter SSM capability, the design is large enough to carry at least four Harpoon quad-launchers.
But, I was really on a different page. A large ship is the best platform for ship-to-shore amphibious fire support ( The new 155mm Advanced Gun System/Naval ATACMS ) and offensive strike capability ( Land Attack Tomahawk/Naval ATACMS ) These are the much needed roles that are sorely missed with decommissioning of the Iowa class BB's.
The VTOL carrier deck with a fleet of two squadrons (24 planes) of JSF, and\or a similar number of UCAV's, a squadron of UAV's, a squadron ASW/minesweeping helo's, a squadron of SPECOPS helos, and a squadron of attack helo's would provide an excellent light multi-role carrier platform for air defense, attack/strike/interdiction, reconaissance/AWACS/electronic warfare, special operations, anti-submarine warfare, etc.
This should be more than enough platforms/firepower to assist the MEU at sea and ashore until the USN's heavier assets arrive on the scene to mop up if needed.


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« Reply #5 on: 17 Oct 2002, 00:35:01 »
anybody knows how this project is going?

haven't heard much about it  :'(


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« Reply #6 on: 17 Oct 2002, 23:52:38 »
Good question there ...how's the projects status now?
It would be good to have some russian forces too. :P