I will throw a bone out to you on this one. If you would like more information, I have it. This was based on me pop's tour in Vietnam with the US Air Force Reserves, my uncle's two tours as US Air Force, and a close family friend's tour in the US Army.
The Unit:The unit is known as an ARP, Aiborne Rifle Platoon. These men were Army Rangers attached to the Army Aviation Units, and served with the Hunter-Killer teams of the Army Aviation i.e. 7th Bn, 5th Div in Vietnam. They performed many different missions from SAD, CP, and SAR/CSAR.
The CoC:The Hunter-Killer teams were organized as Pink-Teams, because of the color system they used. Each pink team had four parts:
- White alias Darkhorse One Six
- Scout element
- One OH-A6 Loach
- Air Mission Commander
- Red Element alias Darkhorse Two Six and Two Eight
- Combat element
- Two AH-1G "Snakes" or "Cobras"
- Green/Pink alias Darkhorse Three Six
- Transport element
- One+ UH-1H "Huey" slicks
- Blue alias Darkhorse Four Six
- Rifle element
- Twelve to thirty five Ranger grunts known as 'Blues'
- Under a LT
- Self-Extracting unit
- Fast ropes into areas
You can do SAR missions, have the loach or a Snake take a hit and go down, then you as a Blue can help hold the area. Also, find the downed chopper. Many different things.
Use that info as you wish.