I'm assuming that it is bullet_whiz\shellfired.sqs that you are after, since you mentioned shells before.
I've waded through ECPDatabase.ldf.sqf, and I think I've located the enigmatic 'ECP_resources select 41' which controls fire events. The interpretted version of shellwhiz looks something like this:
_firer = _this select 0
_ammo = _this select 1
;fired thing
_dirOfAmmo = _this select 2
; f (dir of b)
_posOfAmmo = _this select 3
; e = pos of b
_logic = _this select 4
; g (ecp internal select 69) select 0
; a game logic
_ammoFormat = _this select 5
; c (format of ammo)
? isnull _ammo:[_firer,_posOfAmmo,_dirOfAmmo,_ammoFormat] exec format["%1explosions\impact_shock.sqs",ECP_path];[_firer,_posOfAmmo] exec format["%1dsai\incom_scream.sqs",ECP_path];goto "4"
_shellWhiz = "shellin9"
_newPosOfAmmo = getpos _ammo
_logic setpos _newPosOfAmmo
_logic say _shellWhiz
_firerToAmmo = _firer distance _ammo
? isnull _ammo:[_firer,_newPosOfAmmo,_dirOfAmmo,_ammoFormat] exec format["%1explosions\impact_shock.sqs",ECP_path];[_firer,_newPosOfAmmo] exec format["%1dsai\incom_scream.sqs",ECP_path];goto "2"
_newPosOfAmmo = getpos _ammo
_logic setpos _newPosOfAmmo
goto "1"
? _firerToAmmo <= 200:_logic setdammage 1; goto "3"
_logic setdammage 1
_logic setdammage 0
ECP_internal set [69, (ECP_internal select 69) + [_logic]]
As you can see there's still a bit of peripheral 'fluff' I've yet to weed out to get this working as an in mission script. I will post the finished version in a little while.