How do you convert the following script so that it makes steam come from the player's breath like it's cold?
;===MIF CIGGY v0.7===;
; [unitname] exec "ciggy.sqs"
; in order to stop smoking, the units behaviour needs to be else than "safe"
; the script uses 1 sound, it's only a dummy for the unit to move his lips.
; copy the lines from the description.ext and the sound folder.
_smoka = _this select 0
_anims = ["","FXFromKneel","FXshow2","FXshow4","","FXCivilLookaround","FXCivilLookaround2","FXCivilLookback", "FXCivilFoldOnesArms","FXCivilArmsAkimboR","FXCivilArmsAkimboL", "","FXFromHand",""]
? (! alive _smoka) : exit
? (_smoka != vehicle _smoka) : goto "wait"
? (speed _smoka > 0.1) : goto "wait"
? (behaviour _smoka != "SAFE") : goto "wait"
_dur = 0
_p = 0
_vz = 0
_rdp = 0
_rdi = 0
_fsize = 0.3
_rb = 0
_smoka playMove "FXCivilHandMouth"
drop ["cl_basic", "", "SpaceObject", 2.5, _dur, [(getPos _smoka select 0) - 0.1 *(sin(getDir _smoka)), (getPos _smoka select 1) - 0.1 *(cos(getDir _smoka)),(getPos _smoka select 2) + 1.58], [0.3*(sin(getDir _smoka)),0.3*(cos(getDir _smoka)),_vz], 1, 0.00574, 0.0045, _rb, [0.016,0.15,_fsize], [[1,1,1,0.01], [1,1,1,0.25], [1,1,1,0.01], [1,1,1,0]], [0,1,0,1,0,1], _rdp, _rdi, "", "", ""]
? _p < 15 : drop ["cl_basic", "", "SpaceObject", 2.5, _dur/2, [(getPos _smoka select 0)-0.001 *(sin(getDir _smoka)), (getPos _smoka select 1)-0.001 *(cos(getDir _smoka)),(getPos _smoka select 2) + 1.58], [0.03*(sin(getDir _smoka)),0.03*(cos(getDir _smoka)),0.3+_vz], 1, 0.00578, 0.0045, _rb, [0.046,0.15,_fsize], [[1,1,1,0.01], [1,1,1,0.25], [1,1,1,0.01], [1,1,1,0]], [0,1,0,1,0,1], 5*_rdp, 5*_rdi, "", "", ""]
_p = _p + 1
? _dur > 6 = _dur = _dur - 1
? _dur < 5.9 : _dur = _dur + 1
? _p > 2 : _fsize = _fsize + 0.03
? _p > 5 : _rb = _rb + 0.003
? _p > 10 : _vz = _vz + 0.008; _rdp = _rdp + 0.01; _rdi = _rdi + 0.0015
? _p > 20 : goto "anim"
goto "puff"
~3+(random 2)
_an = random (count _anims)
_an = _an - ( _an mod 1 )
_smoka Playmove (_anims select _an)
~6+(random 5)
_smoka playMove "FXCivilHandMouth"
goto "init"
goto "init"
#edited to sort page formatting going off the edge...