I'm working on a cutscene using the scriip camera.sqs and those things. The cutscene was working perfectly, but I had to reinstall flashpoint. When I installed it and all the addons needed I went to the editor and load the mission. And when I play it, the camera doesn't work well. I had some scenes where the camera was aiming at a person's face and now the face even doesn't appear (or appear only the neck, etc). My question is: do the cutscenes change because of the configuration of the flashpoint (i.e I was running the cutscene in 640x480, but I usually run it in 1024x768) and if it does so, if anyone sees the mission, will they see it as I saw it, or different? But for example the campaign works fine, and they used as far as I know the same thing. Then waht's going on???