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Author Topic: Addons not showing ingame  (Read 5103 times)

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Offline IGWedge

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Addons not showing ingame
« on: 24 Oct 2005, 14:57:11 »
Got another question so i thought id start a new thread!

What would you say the best process to create some kind of hanging vines or foliage and the best way to apply the textures. Similarly how to create grass etc ?? Do the textures need to be transparent??

Any help would be much appreciated
« Last Edit: 24 Oct 2005, 23:27:30 by IG-Wedge »

Offline Planck

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Re:Hanging Vines
« Reply #1 on: 24 Oct 2005, 15:19:19 »
I've never tried playing with vegetation....apart from meal times.   ;D

My best advice to you is to look at BIS's trees, bushes etc.

Bear in mind that you will need to convert from ODOL to MLOD format if you want to view p3d's from the games Data3d folder.

ODOL Explorer will do the job and despite the criticisms of this program, it works quite well.....version 2.44 is the one you need if you can find it.

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Re:Hanging Vines
« Reply #2 on: 24 Oct 2005, 16:46:29 »
thanks plank

EDIT: can only find V2.0 and i looked and couldnt find any way to convert it?? do you have a link for 2.44

i gotta ask ..... if i want to use my new addons in wrptool how the hell do i get them to work in it properly. At the moment it cant find the p3ds. The folder is unpbo,d in the same place as all my other wrptool stuff.
« Last Edit: 24 Oct 2005, 16:49:26 by IG-Wedge »

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Re:Hanging Vines
« Reply #3 on: 24 Oct 2005, 17:03:11 »
You can get both versions from this link:


You need to have version 2 installed to install version 2.44.

As for the WrpTool question........I would try their forums here:


« Last Edit: 24 Oct 2005, 17:04:37 by Planck »
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Re:Hanging Vines
« Reply #4 on: 24 Oct 2005, 17:05:29 »
thnx Planck

Edit: v2.44 works great.

Still cant find anything on how to get my addons into WRPtool though :(
« Last Edit: 24 Oct 2005, 18:16:43 by IG-Wedge »

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Re:Hanging Vines
« Reply #5 on: 24 Oct 2005, 18:54:30 »
1. your models are in MLOD format when you make them in o2; if you want to set them on some island they have to be in ODOL format, and thus must be binarized. use col. klink's binarize programme for it, it's basically only a GUI for BIS's binarize programme, but it makes the whole process easier ;)

2. as for vegetation: there are lots of free-photo pages around on the net, try a google search. or just makes your own photos; note that the background (which shall be transparent later) must be easy to "unhinge" so to speak or you'll get problems with the transparent/non-transparent areas.

how you add transparency in detail depends on your graphic programme. search this forum for "transparent textures + your programme", it has been answered 100 times before for each and every programme. if not, ask here ;)
for converting your (semi-)transparent .tga files into .pac or .paa use feersum.endjinn's paatool v.1.1, gives me best results of all.

ahh.. in order to anticipate another of your questions- about the difference between pac and paa: pac has only one value for transparency: not transparent or transparent. paa can handle different degrees of transparency, e.g. like you see in windows, etc. but on the other hand not as many colours as pac.
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Re:Hanging Vines
« Reply #6 on: 24 Oct 2005, 20:34:23 »
ok so i put the BinarizeIT file into my current Binarize folder...put my addon folder in it too and ran it..

Nothing happened??

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Re:Hanging Vines
« Reply #7 on: 24 Oct 2005, 21:16:23 »
it creates a subfolder called "Opt" where the optimized (hence the name i think) are stored. the originals are nor overwritten. did you look for your models there?
or does binarize give you some error message before?
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Re:Hanging Vines
« Reply #8 on: 24 Oct 2005, 23:26:33 »
i managed to get regular Binarize to work


Now all my models are completely invisible in game.
Whats going on ???

I know they are there as i can shoot them and i cant walk through them. I put them in my island using wrptool no probs but ingame they are invisible and are not showing on the map.

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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #9 on: 24 Oct 2005, 23:30:08 »
You didn't give the binarized model files a different name did you?

If so, edit the config to suit, otherwise maybe post a copy of your config.

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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #10 on: 24 Oct 2005, 23:36:26 »
hmmm...no i changed nothing

before i binarized them they were showing perfectly in game but not in WRP

Now its the other way round...
as i said the geoms are still in game coz i cant walk through them.

When i binarized them it made a file called opt

Within that it had all the p3ds and also a folder named the same as my addon with all the Paa's in it.

Was i supposed to rejoin all the files together or leave them in the seperate files? Just a thought

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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #11 on: 24 Oct 2005, 23:40:43 »
Yes......the p3d file and the textures must be in the same folder together.

The game can't find your textures, as defined in your p3d file,  because you have them inside a folder withing your addon folder.

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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #12 on: 24 Oct 2005, 23:45:22 »
Then i dont know as i put them back into the one folder??

This is nuts!!

As MDOLS fine

As ODOLS not working

Here is my config but again i changed nothing from when it was working.

class CfgPatches
   class shad_wallpack
      units[] =
   weapons[] = {};
   requiredVersion = 1.90;

class CfgVehicles
     class All{};
     class AllVehicles:All{};
     class Land: AllVehicles{};
     class Static : Land {};
     class Building : Static {};
     class Strategic: Building {};
     class NonStrategic : Building {};
     class Camp: Strategic {};
     class Thing: Strategic {};
     class Fence: NonStrategic {};
     class Fountain: NonStrategic{};
     class Fire: NonStrategic{};
     class House: NonStrategic {};
     class ViewTower2: House {};
     class BarrelHelper: Thing {};
     class BarrelBase: BarrelHelper {};
     class Barrels: BarrelBase {};
   class wall5m: Building
   vehicleClass="Shadow Isle Objects";
   displayName="Shadow Wall 5m";

   class wall5m_damaged: Building
   vehicleClass="Shadow Isle Objects";
   displayName="Shadow Wall 5m Damaged";

   class wall10m: Building
   vehicleClass="Shadow Isle Objects";
   displayName="Shadow Wall 10m";

   class wall_debris: Building
   vehicleClass="Shadow Isle Objects";
   displayName="Shadow Wall Debris";

   class wallend1: Building
   vehicleClass="Shadow Isle Objects";
   displayName="Shadow Wall End 1";

   class ruin1: viewtower2
   vehicleClass="Shadow Isle Objects";
   displayName="Shadow ruin1";

   class house1: Building
   vehicleClass="Shadow Isle Objects";
   displayName="Farm House 1";

   class firing_pos: Building
   vehicleClass="Shadow Isle Objects";
   displayName="Firing Position";

Here is the file if you wanna take a look

again thanks for your help on this


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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #13 on: 25 Oct 2005, 17:00:31 »
Ok, I had a look at your config there.....here is a slightly fixed and optimised version:

Code: [Select]
#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

class CfgPatches
   class shad_wallpack

class CfgVehicles
     class All {};
     class Static: All {};
     class Building: Static {};
     class NonStrategic: Building {};
     class House: NonStrategic {};
     class ViewTower2: House {};

   class wall5m: NonStrategic
   vehicleClass="Shadow Isle Objects";
   displayName="Shadow Wall 5m";

   class wall5m_damaged: wall5m
   displayName="Shadow Wall 5m Damaged";

   class wall10m: wall5m
   displayName="Shadow Wall 10m";

   class wall_debris: wall5m
   displayName="Shadow Wall Debris";

   class wallend1: wall5m
   displayName="Shadow Wall End 1";

   class firing_pos: wall5m
   displayName="Firing Position";

   class house1: House
   vehicleClass="Shadow Isle Objects";
   displayName="Farm House 1";

   class ruin1: ViewTower2
   vehicleClass="Shadow Isle Objects";
   displayName="Shadow ruin1";

I also had a look at your models in-game, or rather I didn't get a look at your models in-game.   ;D

I converted to MLOD and tried again ingame, they worked fine.
Converting back to ODOL.....they disappeared again.   :-\

Honestly, I would just leave them as MLOD, at least they work ok, unless of course you need them for .wrp placement.....I suspect it might have something to do with the models themselves, but I am still not sure yet.

I might take a look in Oxygen, but things are busy right now.   8)

« Last Edit: 25 Oct 2005, 21:29:54 by Planck »
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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #14 on: 25 Oct 2005, 18:46:29 »
ok planck thanks for that

If you get a chance that would be great. I mean i look at all the other addons i use like farmland and mapfact and i think what is it that they have done that i havnt ???

I really need these addons in wrp so i can implement them into my island so a fix is quite important.So whenever you get the time or if anyone else can take a look and give some input.

Cheers guys


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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #15 on: 25 Oct 2005, 20:56:10 »
Did a bit more optimising in my last post, just getting rid of redundant class definitions.   ;D

It doesn't help any, but I like things to be tidy.  ::)

EDIT:   OK.......All fixed.

I see them all in-game now as ODOL.

Give me your current email so I can email it to you.

« Last Edit: 25 Oct 2005, 22:54:23 by Planck »
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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #16 on: 26 Oct 2005, 14:36:23 »
For those with similar problems, the solution to this one was to give the models the relevant 'named properties' in the Geometry LOD.

There were other errors, some of which were in the config, but the lack of the named properties was what was preventing the models from being seen in-game or indeed in island creation tools.

« Last Edit: 26 Oct 2005, 14:36:51 by Planck »
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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #17 on: 26 Oct 2005, 17:48:58 »
i also tried to convert one of the models from mlod back to odol; with proper named properties cos i also suspected something like that plus model alteration, cos many vertices are not needed actually.
however binarize left the model in mlod, although p3ds are not in the exclude list and binarize normally works fine ???
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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #18 on: 26 Oct 2005, 21:37:16 »
Hmmm.....I had no trouble converting them to MLOD and afterwards binarizing them again, it worked fine here.


Wait a moment, I just remembered.
After converting them to MLOD with ODOL Explorer, load them into Oxygen and then immediately save them again.

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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #19 on: 27 Oct 2005, 11:38:54 »
well, i even edited the model a bit, deleted all vertices not needed etc, and then saved it in o2 but still binarizeit won't convert it.
must i save the mlod'ed models without any editing in o2 and then edit them?

well, after all it's not that important, but when i get these troubles with my own addons, then i know to whom to send them: you  ;D
don't worry, just kidding  ;)
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Re:Addons not showing ingame
« Reply #20 on: 27 Oct 2005, 14:53:53 »
must i save the mlod'ed models without any editing in o2 and then edit them?

Well, thats what I did anyway, I did no editing at first, I just resaved them immediately.
It seems to get rid of some of the errors that ODOL Explorer introduces I think.

It was much later on that I added the named selections.

« Last Edit: 27 Oct 2005, 14:54:18 by Planck »
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