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Author Topic: Zombie CAMPAIGN  (Read 2498 times)

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Matt Walter

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« on: 08 Aug 2005, 02:28:02 »
Yes, there is a topic about a zombie mission, I read it. I found out how to get zombies to attack you in that topic. I always wanted to do a zombie campaign but didn't know who to do it because the zombies just stood there. So i do the ol' gblalltargets=[player]...i didn't now how to set game logic hard, med, or easy.... and when i tested what i did, the zombies came to me and attacted me, but no damage was done to me. They just keep hitting me and hitting me and waited for me to die and i never did, so i just blow them all way. What did i do wrong. My zombie addon i used is not the newest one out or even one of them...i think... whihc might hel p you find out what i did wrong.

PS: when i figure this out, i will talk about the actullal campaign i plan to make.

Stinky Nut Rappa

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« Reply #1 on: 08 Aug 2005, 14:45:22 »
i was also wondering about zombie campaigns and missions. being a british forumite i was thinking of course about a shaun of the dead mission

Offline greg147

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« Reply #2 on: 08 Aug 2005, 15:31:43 »
A Shaun of the Dead mission would be so cool  ;D
Start in your house with Ed
Repel zombie attack
Get to parents house (get 2 extra teammembers)
Get to girlfreinds house (get 3 extra teammembers)
Get to pub and defend it for however ammount of time.

You are armed with melee weapons and a car that you loose halfway through.  ;)
When you get to the pub you get a shotgun (the kozlice will do)
« Last Edit: 08 Aug 2005, 15:32:28 by greg147 »
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Matt Walter

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« Reply #3 on: 09 Aug 2005, 04:26:21 »
A shaun of the dead mission would be pretty sweet, or at least something based on it. The problem with melee weapons against zombies in this game is that you have a VERY high chance of getting hurt and/or killed because melee weapons are a little slow.

I am not saying lets not try to make a shaun of the dead campaign that is close to the movie, but i have an idea which might work better fpr ofp... you are a soldier and your friend is one too... when you first find out there are zombies, you decide to dessert your platoon and look for, your mom, your girlfriend and so on... it might be a really bad idea, but i am just brainstorming.

I think we should make this a humor-scary-drama-fun campaign. If there is no humor, then it is not shaun of the dead. If there is no scaryness, then it is not a zombie campaign. If there is no drama... i guess it won't be ahh... If there is no fun, why paly it.

A major issue has not been solved yet still, the zombies still don't hurt me, they just attack but no damage is done. the only times i get hurt are from friendly fire or a soldier trying to kill a zombie and misses. Can someone help me out with that? ...the no damage part, not the friendly fire.

Stinky Nut Rappa

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« Reply #4 on: 10 Aug 2005, 09:25:23 »
hey maybe for shaun of the dead you could use gimbals throwers weapons instead or make some grenades shaped like records

"batman soundtrack"
"chuck it"

Offline penguinman

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« Reply #5 on: 05 Sep 2005, 08:21:58 »
hey, I was thinking of making a campaign where you start out as a nogova police officer, on the beat. for a few missions, stopping roberies and such, and then a russian plane transporting strange and mysterious chemicals crashes on nogova, they are dispersed into the air,

everybody becomes a zombie like in resident evil and it has a scientific explanation so its not so corny.

anyway, you are not infected because at the same time you acidentaly get exposed to some pesticides in a truck that crashed a few days before, so u get exposed to the pesticisides while investigating the truck crash, then when the chemicals are dispersed in the plane crash the pesticides counter act the chemicals or somthing and you dont become a zombie.

i made the first mission and its pretty good but i need some good scripters, and a fewvoice actors,

and i need to know of the best zombie addon( not in terms of how good it looks but in terms of how good its scrippted attack-wise-like how well it attacks you-)

sound like a good idea??

im sorry if its garbeld but im in a rush,  ;D


Medik Smokey

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« Reply #6 on: 14 Sep 2005, 00:53:06 »
i always liked the idea of a zombie movie focusing on the military.  you know, tell a story of a small squad thats constantly helping people escape the onslaught.  basically after one mission is finished, they have to move to a next one right away.  they're exhausted beyond all beleif but they still do their job.  youre missions main goals would always include looking for and extracting survivors, but then you could maybe add in other goals.

if you like this idea, i say you use the International Black Ops addon, they look like the perfect zombie killers :D  that and use the BAS MH-60K addon cuz it'd be hella tight repelling down into a village full of the living dead

Offline Trapper

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« Reply #7 on: 14 Sep 2005, 02:27:59 »
and i need to know of the best zombie addon( not in terms of how good it looks but in terms of how good its scrippted attack-wise-like how well it attacks you-)

Scott Tunstall's Unified Zombie Mod beta3 comes with the best ai IMHO, but that doesn't mean they are already grabbing someone without additional scripting.

You can get them at Farmland


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« Reply #8 on: 16 Sep 2005, 23:12:37 »
Set up the gamelogics right, and they kill you.. rest assured.

Offline penguinman

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« Reply #9 on: 17 Sep 2005, 00:57:44 »
hey guys,

I got Unified zombie mod, and tried it out, looks pretty good except that they used the punch animation for the zombies,

zombies dont punch,

so i made a tight animation,
it makes the zombie grab you, and take a big bite, and then after he takes the bite, in real life(err, at least real life with zombies) after the zombie grabs you you would try to push him off ----now im talking about the resident evil scientific explanation zombies, not the magic, wich casts a spell zombies- --- and he would try to bite you, so after he grabs and bites you you would try and push him off and because he is technicaly dead, he dosent produce as much energy as a living person, so he would easily be pushed off,

so in the animation after he bites you, it simulates him getting pushed and he falls backward((((just without puting his hands out to stop himself like in human  reflex, because he has limited brain function---just eat whatever he can-- his reflexes arent good,))) so anyways he falls backward w/ out putting his hands out, just as if he was a limp body, and he hits the ground and for a second or 2 he just lays there because he recieved a shock to his head from the ground, but then he rolls over on his belly( with a neat  limp broken arm bending in wrong direction effect as he rolls) and then he starts to get up, it takes him a second or 3 longer than a normal human because as I said before;;;limited brain function-weaker-less coordinated;;;;
so then he gets up and goes back to normal animation and will maby try to get you again.

what do you thinK? sound better than the punch or shud i just leave it.

i need sombody to help me config the animation, as its not ingame yet so il attach it here, and maby sombody can config it.



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« Reply #10 on: 07 Oct 2005, 11:23:42 »
My zombie addon i used is not the newest one out or even one of them...i think... whihc might hel p you find out what i did wrong.

Well the problem is that u didnt set the zombie damage becuz u didnt turn on a difficullity. I think u can set it by something called the gbldamage  ( im at my latptop so i cant find out the exact name, but if u read the readme in the mod u should know what im talking about. )
Just set gbldamage = 1 for 1 hit kill and gbldamage = .5 for 2 hit kill etc.
Best thing u can do is read the readme in the mod.
And put all the variables as u want em in init.sqs ( lol after 2 years yesterday was first time I actually used it )

ps. it could also have been gblsetdamage = ( 0 to 1 )
i just cant remember lol


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« Reply #11 on: 10 Oct 2005, 23:11:44 »
btw penguin i like ur idea and i made some scripting for zombies to attack, works perfectly in SP just not perfectly in MP but it would be fine for a SP campaign. I orginaly had it so BIS civs were created would run to the nearest target and then blow fire at them to kill them, worked perfectly but because it lagged in MP i just changed it to them running up and hitting them with the punch animation. but if u find some1 to config ur anim tht would be awesome. i will just add it in to the scripts ive already got. The reason i made my own scripts was so my BIS civilian zombies didnt need any addons to play in MP and i got it working in MP at one point but later on the same problem ocured but thts another story in another topic on ofpec. But i like this idea of a zombie campaign and will be happy to help out.