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Author Topic: Re-texturing help anyone?  (Read 1122 times)

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Offline The_Bishop_Ghost

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Re-texturing help anyone?
« on: 26 Sep 2005, 11:20:09 »

Im working on a "Civilian" Campaing set on the Island of Nogovo.
The campaing is set around the Nogovan Mine Ltd as at major (think Umbrella) company, on the island.

You will take the role as James "Colonel" Bishop an Ex US-Navy SEAL witch now works as a Security Contractor for the Nogovan Mine Ltd.

For this I would like to get a few addons re textured in the colors of the Nogovan Mine Ltd with compnay name and the works.

I will of course as permission from the makers before. But if anyone is interrested it would be greatfully take. Since I know absolutly nothing about addons makeing for OFP.

The Addons I would like to have retextured are:

Li-2 (DC-3)

Bell 206b

Mi-26tm (Flying crane)

Mi-26t (cargo)



And the Antonov

Greets from Sweden

Don't ask about my spelling. I know it sucks

Lean Bear

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Re:Re-texturing help anyone?
« Reply #1 on: 02 Oct 2005, 18:56:36 »
I surprised this hasn't been moved to the recruitment lounge yet, but that's where this should be.

Incidentaly, its not hard to do if you want to do it yourself.

You merely colour in the textures that are already used, then in O2, you Ctrl-Click on a texture in the texture window and press 'E' to bring up the face properties. Then you can change the texture to the one you altered. Or, save them in the original folders as their original names and then you don't even have to fiddle around in O2 ;)