You do have to experiment to learn. If someone is heavily into building a mission they could just run this off for you. It is a while since I have built a real mission so all I can do is give you ideas to experiment with. Macguba had it when he said you would be better not to use a trigger but to check the distance from some specific location. So do this:
In the mission editor press the show IDs button, find a bush or a tree or something in the middle of the area where you want the fired effect to happen. Note down its ID number. Let's say the number is XXYYZZ
Give all units a fired Event Handler. To do this create a trigger that covers the map and has condition set to true and should be anybody present (note that this is fine for all except civilian units. See Reply #6 here for an explanation of the complication with civilians: In the On Activation field put:
{{_x addeventhandler ["fired",{_this exec"UnitFired.sqs"} forEach crew _x} forEach thislist
See this thread also: this explanation, especially click on the 'here' in the note from General Barron: script UnitFired.sqs should look something like:
_this select 0 = _unit
_this select 1 = _weapon
if (_unit distance object XXYYZZ > 200) then {exit}
;XXYYZZ id the ID of the object at the centre of the area where the effect should happen
;200 is the radius of the area where the effect should happen
if {_weapon == "m16") then {_unit say "m16sound"}
if {_weapon == "ak74") then {_unit say "ak74sound"}
Where m16sound and ak74 sound are the sounds you have put in your sound folder and defined in your description.ext
You would need to make some changes if you wanted a rectangular area. See here for dealing with X,Y,Z coordinates: you wanted an eliptical area then you could either do the maths in the script to work out if the unit is inside the elipse - or you could use an 'Anybody Present' trigger that is the shape you want it to be. Give the trigger a name say: trig_elipse1
instead of:
if (_unit distance object XXYYZZ > 200) then {exit}
;XXYYZZ id the ID of the object at the centre of the area where the effect shoudl happen
;200 is the radius of the area where the effect should happen
if not(_unit in list trig_elipse1) then {exit}
Or some such. I have tested none of this. There could be typos etc. but it is a start to help you with experimenting.
Given your domestic situation (I too have significant other commitments) I would ask myself what is my objective: to have a mission built or to build a mission. For me it is the last one, it is the building that is fun. I recommned it as an objective. Experiment and enjoy.