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;start with ;[location of spawn,groupname,skill from 0-1,destination where group should move after creation] exec "AIspawn.sqs"?!(local Server): exit_location = _this select 0_Group = _this select 1_skill = _this select 2_destination = _this select 3;creating Infantry soldiers;you can add more but use ~ delays and max. 12 units per group~0.5"OfficerENight" CreateUnit [getpos _location, _group,"this allowfleeing 0;",_skill,"PRIVATE"]~0.1"SoldierEB" CreateUnit [getpos _location,_group,"",_skill,"PRIVATE"]~0.1"SoldierEB" CreateUnit [getpos _location,_group,"",_skill,"PRIVATE"]~0.1"SoldierEMedic" CreateUnit [getpos _location,_group,"",_skill,"PRIVATE"]~0.1"SoldierEG" CreateUnit [getpos _location,_group,"",_skill,"PRIVATE"]~0.1"SoldierEMG" CreateUnit [getpos _location,_group,"",_skill,"PRIVATE"]~0.1"SoldierELAW" CreateUnit [getpos _location,_group,"",_skill,"PRIVATE"];if you wish that the group moves to a location after creation#Moving~1_group setspeedmode "normal"_group setbehaviour "aware"~1_Group move (getpos _destination)Exit