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Author Topic: Customizable Island  (Read 1754 times)

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Offline myke13021

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Customizable Island
« on: 13 Sep 2005, 19:38:06 »
Don't know if it is a new Idea or if it is a good idea...but let me put it in and look what happens.

As i'm a really idiot using WRP and Oxygen (but yes, i know breathing ;-) ) i had the Idea: "Hey, wouldn't it be great to have an Island with absolutely no Roads and Buildings on it? That way i could create easily an Island that comes close to my desires!"

You see what i mean? So i speak of an "empty Island" which only have trees bushes forrests, but no...uhm...lets say "human structures". This way, Mission makers could create nearly exactly the surrounding a mission needs. I know there are a few dozens excellent island around, but hey didn't you really never thought "hey cool island, but i would prefer a few houses more over there (already easy to make i know) but a few less over there".

I hope you can see what i mean and i think i know the upcoming problems: however the "customizable island" would look like, it would never be useful for absolutely everyone. But i think a good island maker (and i am definately NOT a good one) could find a good compromise.

And also another idea but i don't know if it is makeable: what about buildings which allows mission makers to easily change the thextures? Let me shortly explain: Let's say a addon maker creates a simple house to place on maps. The addon comes with a standard texture for simple adding into the mission editor. Into the addon download comes also a "texture template" which can be edited (painted) with any painting program and then added to the house (this settexture?). This way you could create towns by using same house with different textures/looks.

Well, these are my ideas. I hope i described them well enough for you to understand what i mean. If one of these (or both) already exists please tell me.

Offline Planck

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Re:Customizable Island
« Reply #1 on: 13 Sep 2005, 21:03:20 »
Nice ideas, but there are a few problems........

There is a big difference between objects embedded in a .wrp file and objects placed via the editor.

Roads for example, do not follow the terrain properly when placed in the editor, unless the terrain happens to be flat.
In a wrp file the roads follow the terrain whether it is flat or not.

The only way I know of to get several versions of the same building each with a different set of textures, is to make several versions of the same p3d file each textured with said textures.

There is no way I know of to swap model textures like the way you describe.
setObjectTexture wouldn't work AFAIK.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Kyle Sarnik

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Re:Customizable Island
« Reply #2 on: 13 Sep 2005, 21:24:11 »
Roads for example, do not follow the terrain properly when placed in the editor, unless the terrain happens to be flat.

Also, the AI paths don't work, or at least they don't use them, so AI ignore editor placed roads so they won't drive on them.

Offline myke13021

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Re:Customizable Island
« Reply #3 on: 13 Sep 2005, 21:36:15 »
ok i see the problems...didn't knew about the roads.
Well, then a island with a basic roadway and a few "flats" for self-made towns could eventually work....i guess.
I think i saw a addon in the past with something like "AI path" in it. afaik it allows AI to find ways between buildings. hope i have it right in mind.  ;)

About the textures: i remember a addon with several ads to place which allows to place custom "posters" with a settexture command. I just thought this could also work with houses.

But i trust you as pro's but please, if you got time to, think more about this...maybe this could turn into a good, or even excellent addon...at least i would like to have it.  ;D

Kyle Sarnik

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Re:Customizable Island
« Reply #4 on: 13 Sep 2005, 21:37:14 »
ok i see the problems...didn't knew about the roads.
Well, then a island with a basic roadway and a few "flats" for self-made towns could eventually work....i guess.
I think i saw a addon in the past with something like "AI path" in it. afaik it allows AI to find ways between buildings. hope i have it right in mind.  ;)

About the textures: i remember a addon with several ads to place which allows to place custom "posters" with a settexture command. I just thought this could also work with houses.

But i trust you as pro's but please, if you got time to, think more about this...maybe this could turn into a good, or even excellent addon...at least i would like to have it.  ;D

Also I forgot to mention, you would probably get alot more lag with this, which is an islands worst enemy.

Offline myke13021

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Re:Customizable Island
« Reply #5 on: 13 Sep 2005, 21:45:32 »
myke puts the idea in a wooden box and digs the box "six feet under"....may it rest in peace  ;)

i got it.....finally the idea was not too bad but the OFP engine would not allow to use such an addon with playable performance.

but it was worth to at least think about it....thx guys for your knowledge.