I think I understand him, lemme take a try at this one
Ok, place a game logic (side=game logic, class=objects) at the first one of your positions. In the name box, type
Pos1 just to indicate its position #1. You can place more of these and name them sequencialy (Pos2, Pos3, etc..) wherever you want to set another possible position to move to. Now, if you've got either A.) a name for the officer or B.) a name for the group, you can use the following commands to order the soldiers, and the player, around.
A.) using the officer's name
((units group Officer1) select 1) commandmove (getpos Pos1)
B.) using the group name
((units Group1) select 1) commandmove (getpos Pos1)
Its simple really, now you just have to change the number after "select" to either 1, 2, 3, or 4 (1 = unit #2 in the group, 2 = unit #3, 3 = _unit #4, etc..)
Pos1 to any of the positions you placed (Pos1, Pos2, Pos3, etc..). If you want to intentionaly order the player to move, try this:
player commandmove (getpos Pos1)
If cadet mode is on, a waypoint will be placed at the position of Pos1, telling the player to move there. However if veteren mode is on, I don't know if a waypoint or any type of marker will be placed there, in which case you probably want to use a marker on the map. Create one and name it something like
PlayerWP or whatever. Then use this to move it around:
"PlayerWP" setmarkerpos (getpos Pos1)
And the marker will be placed where Pos1 is. Hope that answers your question (I really do, because that was a lot of typing