erm no its the second fire command this is the script wich Kyle Sarnik posted
_gun = _this select 0
_ammo = nearestobject [_gun,_this select 4]
_x = (velocity _ammo select 0)+(random(20)-random(20))
_y = (velocity _ammo select 1)+(random(20)-random(20))
_z = (velocity _ammo select 2)+(random(20)-random(20))
_ammo setvelocity [_x,_y,_z]
? (gunner _gun) == player : exit
? skill (gunner _gun) <= 0.5 : (gunner _gun) setskill 1; exit
(gunner _gun) setskill (skill (gunner _gun) - 0.1)
_gun fire (_this select 2)
its ran through an Event handler
it says _gun fire (_this select 2) where _gun is the soldier who fired it and _this select 2 is the gun thats being fired the fire with a string canot use dotarget and dowatch but with teh second one you can but i cant find out hwat soldier is getting fire at since an Event handler doesnt return the soldier who is getting fired at
unless you know a way of finding out who is getting fired at then im going to have to do a very long way of this like grab the bullet find out where it lands then create a game logic or something that a unit fires at and then get the soldier to fire at it but even then its not firing at the soldier
any ideas would be great
For me this doesn't make the unit fire up in the air.
well thats whats happening for me they fire a burst then shoot up in the air a few times you can use dotarget with this command and they will fire at what there targetting but thats not working here