Thanks guys, that helps heaps.
However, I still have a couple of issues:
1) I dont really want to alter the camera shots nessasarily (although maybe now i will
), so is there a way I can call the default BIS onplayerkilled script and alter it? No biggy if not, ill just have to script cameras as well.
2) I just want to add one custom music track, and I want there to be around a 50% chance of playing the track, but also for variety it will sometimes play default BIS tracks.
So, is there a way i can have
if (random 100>50) then (playMusic "rrh") else ("play default track selections") ?
Or do I have to go and declare all of these tracks myself?
3) BTW - This brings me to another issue (sorry, just remembered this)
When I want to call a BIS music track or sound in a script, is there a way I can call them without having to declare them in description.ext ? If so, where can I get a list of all the sounds?